I used the live chat feature of the EthConnect website and talked briefly with someone from support. You can watch my findings here -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azr-5yFbwE8. Got some responses, but I think there is a clear language barrier.
I am still investing as I have made almost 100k on Ponzi schemes/scams, so I honestly don't care what people here say, i'm more than willing to test the waters and use my PROFITS to try and increase my portfolio strength. These kinds of programs/HYIPs are not for everyone, if you want to go through life with 1-2% returns, thats on you. I like 100-1000% returns and I'm not scared to sit at the poker table and bet big. Worth the risk to me. Form your own opinion though.
so tell me something buddy would u sell the product to your mother?
Thats really funny you ask, she invested $1000. Like I said though, we are both using profits, she just sold 200 acres of mineral rights for 2.8 million dollars, $1000 to make 10,100,1000x, whatever it may be, is worth the risk to her. It isn't for everyone, I admit that, there are conservative investors and not-so conservative investors. I'm not trying to promote EthConnect, just showing my live chat to help the community gain more knowledge of the company. Admittedly, that knowledge was sparse and not very revealing, but that still doesn't deter me. Bittrade and BitDragon deterred me lol.
lol whats real funny is you trying to through a bunch of figures around to impress lol as if there is not a lot of twisted people with money, who are now in jail just ask berni madoff, let me guess your idol? u know there are various ways to make money, u know people sell people to make money, they rob people to make money, they sell drugs and screw over their own people to make money. all kind of things just to get that money fake real estate deals, scam crypto websites etc. so tell me something buddy all the above u will do with ease to make that money? u the make it any way u can guy!? lol post your twitter, facebook and your youtube, I want to know who to avoid! lol
Does anyone take you seriously? Trying to 'through' a bunch of figures? Hilarious. When you go back to third grade to learn how to spell correctly and learn the difference between throw and through, come talk. I already said in a previous post i'm not promoting EthConnect. Even if I was, the people who invest know full well what they are getting into, its all a gamble. In this case, its a gamble i'm more than willing to take. I really don't understand you fudders, if you hate EthConnect why are you here? You aren't going to deter us from investing. Not sure why you try to be honest. I'll throw figures around all day because that's what i've made, sorry you didn't get an education and don't have money to invest and probably got burned before which is why you're here. Go cry somewhere else.
so basically what the ann page is for you are telling folks not to do!? so all your figures and education that u claim to have u cant understand that basic point! but lets not "through" the original point out the window :-) I'll just re-post cause the stand up questions prove difficult for you. is that you ethconnect with fake profiles lol again.
"lot of twisted people with money, get it any way they can, not impressed! some are now in jail just ask berni madoff, let me guess your idol?? u know there are various ways to make money, u know people sell people to make money, they rob people to make money, they sell drugs and screw over their own people to make money all kind of things just to get that money fake real estate deals, scam crypto websites etc. so tell me something buddy all the above u will do with ease to make that money?? u the make it any way u can guy!?? my dude stand up to it! own it! post your twitter, facebook and your youtube, own it! I want to know who to avoid! lol" :-)