The COUPON-COIN monetary model
The generic matrix is:
1 coupon unit = 1 product unit
price of 1 coupon unit < price of 1 product unit in the market
The economic/social rules (The game's rules):
1. The coupon units has no expiration date (unlike most coupons)
2. The coupon units will always be redeemable by issuer (or risk management agent) for the product or the monetary value it was issued at.
The monetary benefits of the model:
1. coin value stability - A value that range between the market price of the product unit ,and the issue price of the coupon unit.
The smaller the gap is, the less fluctuations of value are possible
2. Ease of rating the real value and risks of the coin - The balance of, products in production, damned for this product and the total value of
other assets can be evaluated to determine the real value of the coin at any given moment
* There are more complex benefits once the coin enter a credit pool and is lent out on behalf of the borrower potential production power. I will issue these points in another document which I will post soon
Let's restate what you've written there (I was about to say, restate the axioms of your system, but nothing here is self-evident).
1 coupon/coin = 1 work of art.
1 coupon/coin < 1 work of art. (See, there goes my math right there)
Ergo, all works of art are identical and worth the same.
The value of a work of art is far more subjective than anything else in the marketplace, and it's value is STILL what someone is willing to trade for it. Any evaluation in your mind will remain there, forever a fantasy. Only the buyer actualizes a potential value.
You have a real problem with writing sentences that don't have much meaning. Try putting some actual numbers to them and put up a few clear examples. For instance, you don't differentiate between these coins, coupons, then make a blanket statement along the lines of "and of course there will be coin stability..." because why? If I can explain Cantor's diagonal proof to a 12-year-old I'm sure you can explain your meaning, with examples, and with real numbers.
Also, make sure you're using the words you use for their meaning and not effect. Matrix has a specific meaning, and so does axiom. If you're "figuring out the axioms of a system" you're basically itemizing what everybody already knows, because they are self-evident.