Hi Iconomy. When to start trading ...
? Well thank you
Let them first release the tokens...
https://ethstats.net/Lol look this network choke at makx 28ts/s
... and we want imput like 5000-7000 in one shot
that will blow them up
Where can I see in the website, the limits?
You won't see website with such informations.
Raw data that one can have available are:
- normal transaction cost 21000 gas in ethereum. address to address. when contract is in play it can be close to 21k as well, but it's more or less more - depends on the operation.
- gas price right now is at 50 gwei (before network attacks 20gwei was normal) - converter tool:
http://ether.fund/tool/converter- when price of gas was 20gwei. 1 ETH bought u 50m gas. with 50gwei price. 1 ETH gives you 20m gas today.
- gas block limit before eth network attacks was ~4.7m gas
- gas block limit now is stabilizing at 1.5m gas
But that's just first part of the things to consider.