MARK ZUCKERBERG: The plan is to reach Toontown in order to get the line
MINNIE: I just hope that we can make it there on time...
MARK ZUCKERBERG: Ok Im back, the hearing went fine but we have much to achieve in a short time .
SATAOSHI: They will never grunt permission for Libra to operate.
MINNIE: Considering China's move toward Crypto , they might need Libra even more.
SATAOSHI: They are not going to realize it on time to do anything.
MINNIE: I agree with you on that, and the fact that Libra depends on their approval means that it will never launch.
MICKEY: Who are "they" ?
MICKEY: And who are they?
MARK ZUCKERBERG: FRB, OCC, OTS, CFTC, FINRA, SEC, are a few of them that have acronyms .
SATAOSHI: We might as well add "them" to the list.