It should be clear to all that I make no claim for knowing who Satoshi Nakamoto is , nor do I know who is the creator of bitcoin. Through out this thread I made use of knowledge available to all and incorporate to serve my artistic goals.
The chances that the creator of bitcoin is indeed aware of this thread and take interest in it are very slim. If we factor in the overall bitcointalk crowed interest in this thread, these chances are even smaller.
SATOSHI: I was under the impression that this should be clear to all.
NILI: MeToo, but I thought that it is best to have it stated as a disclaimer at this point since we are getting very close to it.
MICKEY: Close to what?
NILI: Close to make some believe it is true.
MICKEY: Is it not?.
SATOSHI: Not in the world outside this dialogue.
NILI: However, as of now, that world dose not exist anymore.
MICKEY: How so?
MINNIE: She just entered ours.