I was very, very surprised by the DISNEY project-very funny! the project has a good start-the name, creativity. It seems that even children will be interested in the crypto-world! when do you plan to start selling coins?
Korehok, you are one of a very few who seem to understand some part of the project. I am very glad that you see how funny it is since really sometimes, I think that I am the only one laughing.
Since this project is motivated by conceptual ideas regarding money and economics as well as order and life, and is executed as art on a forum that is a bitcoin forum, it is even harder to communicate. However that is the point of it all, exposing the lines between fiction and reality while in actual exchanging between the two. Thus the coins are real coins and can be traded.
Regarding your question about selling the coins, I had an initial sell right at the beginning around the time when the thread started in 2014. However that was long before the ICO trend exploded and very few where aware of it. Also I never did any marketing campaign or tried to have it listed on an exchange. Since the coin was issued on Counterwallet is was possible to buy it on the P2P exchange platform once I offered it. however I did that only for a few weeks in the beginning and not since.
In the past 4 years I have been involved in a very ambitious project called Tauchain that was forked to another one named Autonomic. Both projects trying to figure out the holy-grail of of all decentralized applications, how to decentralized governing and more specific for the tech, how to decentralized the control over the code and create a fully automated mechanism. Both projects, lead by top of the line developers as well as thinkers, are not yet able to solve the problem. I brought Satoshi in as a character to solve it... and that is not a joke.... I think we have the solution or at least the beginning of it .. I think that we are holding the edge of that thread in our words.... Thus I may consider a second sell of the coins once we will get more clear with the direction that we are taking our project.
keep in touch and pleas feel free to ask anything.