MINNIE: Good question. I don't know. Ill ask Satoshi next time Ill see him.
MICKEY: Is he a penguin?
MINNIE: Who, Satoshi?
MICKEY:Yes Satoshi!
MINNIE: Nooo!! he is a laptop
MICKEY: A laptop?!
MINNIE: Well more like the program which run on a laptop.
MICKEY: just a minute, on the streets of ToonTown, is he hanging out as a laptop?
MINNIE: Yes! he did'nt bother creating an animal type for his image.
MICKEY: Dose he at least has a face?
MICKEY: I heard something about it in the crypto- sphere.
MINNIE: About what?
MICKEY: About a newly found laptop with old unmoved bitcoins form 2009!
MINNIE: I see, They were talking about an old address .
MICKEY: Yes, but someone mentioned that it may have come form an old forgotten laptop.
MINNIE: Ahaaa ...So someone said....OK...
MICKEY: Why do I feel like you know something that i dont.