Good evening everyone,
I would like to address the latest issues regarding airdrop.
First of all, I would like to apologize in the name of the team, to all users that for one reason or another, did not receive any coins from the airdrop. Although it does not change what happened, I would like to provide you all with the following reasons why I believe this occurred:
1) I would like you all to remind everyone that when this airdrop started we had a team of 3 people. We have grown a lot internally in the last months, including changing our Marketing Manager.
2) Internal organization takes time to achieve, specially when so many people join in a short time. In the beginning we may have missed a few things due to natural internal organization.
3) Regarding invalid entries, the team made the decision to use a script to validate entries rather than check each entry manually, this validation included Slack and Discord. We then had multiple team members go through a portion of the members that had invalid submissions. Due to the amount of time that it would have taken for our team to work through each submission manually, we believed that this would be the best option.
4) We have been very busy with the following:
4.1) Our development plan is very detailed, we have been working very hard to achieve a structured plan before starting development. ( which we already did )
4.2) Our Blockchain dev team has been very busy with the rebase to Monero in order to improve our product.
4.3) We have been diligently working to achieve results with new exchanges but, we have been hitting a few walls, our blockchain transaction volume is still very small, our current markets have a very low volume and our community is also still very small.
4.4) Our rebranding is coming along, and we have been putting a lot of hours into this because we believe that a great project needs a name to match
4.5) We are in the process of finalizing our Non Profit Foundation, a legal entity we can work under is something that we have been focused in achieving in order to guarantee our long term product implementations.
4.6) We have been meeting VC's to negotiate partnerships with the intention to create liquidity for our markets and further support to our legal entity once its created.
4.7) We have been working with several legal offices in order to make sure we comply with all existing regulations. As well as any future regulations that may be on the horizon. Our project is not a nearsighted one, and we are taking every precaution to ensure that we are ready for anything that comes our way in the future.
We have been working with key individuals in order to increase our awareness with communities like cyber security, journalism, health sector, vpn providers, etc.
These are not excuses at all, and again, I apologize. I take full responsibility for the mistake. I want people to have a better understanding that honest mistakes sometimes happen, and that we keep working hard to achieve and implement what brought us all here together... Decentralized P2P open source VPN network!
I'm willing to listen to the community in order to make it right with all those that missed the airdrop.
Have a great evening,
After all, a serious response came explaining the situation as it is and without blaming the 53% of participants who did not receive their share. Thanks Francisco.