Has the team posted the address of all the pre-mine coins? And their MN addresses to ensure generated coins aren't used for nefarious purposes? I don't care how long they're around, until they post that information I don't trust them one bit. I didn't pay a thing for my MN cause I listened to MrCoins and kept buying shit ton of Paycoin so I traded them in. Otherwise I haven't given the team a single sayoshi. Too shady of an operation. Once all premine coins and coins generated from the premine staking are Blockchain accountable, things may have a chance. Until then, you can spout as many crossed out number you want at me, too risky by crypto standards.
Good I'm glad for you that your just trolling
So your MN was purchased from the 8 to 1 conversion
XPY today = 1 cent
ION today = 45 cents
You said you sold your MN, I bet you sold it for a lot more than $200. A year ago Ionomy gave you the opportunity to exchange your worthless XPY into something of value and you then spend all your time trying to piss all over them Then you blame me and wild for making you sell early
I hope your part of the GAW suit, you get some money back and you learn from your mistakes. At some point you need to stop blaming others and take some responsibility for your catalogue bad decisions.
You believe I sold my node? You'll believe anything apparently. Except if it's negative against ION.
So, how about them addresses? Or are you gonna shill dodge that question?
So you haven't sold your node then ?? You've just spent this past year trying to devalue your own investment. Why ? this has got to be the dumbest thing I've read in a long time.
Personally I'm thinking you don't own a node and have never owned one. You've just tangled yourself up in your own bullshit.