Now i have the real truth.By registering a company in Mahe we can hide the owners identity and contact details pay next to nothing in taxes but we cannot issue you with a licence to operate that company.(his words not mine) If you are a FX company we can register it here keep your details secure from anyone asking even with a court order from overseas but we cannot issue you with a FX licence.
Therefore ionomy transacting in bitcoin to ions are breaking the law in the state of NY and can be penalised by the NY AG one of the reasons most digital companies move out and wont deal with people from this state.
You can check by phoning +61 3 9018 5385
ps thanks for putting all the culprits up
Because with most of these companies they aren't really where they are registered but use that countries laws to not have to pay taxes or be traced back in any sort of way what so ever when they do run in the end due to a belly flob failure that is expected to happen.
Doesn't anybody remember Gamebet and their scam GGbet website and coins exactly like this one? But the app on apple itunes.
This must be a global company they are registered all over the world.Yes this KYC will come back and bite them thats a certainty
It certainly will. But just look what happened to Gambet once again.. they got away scott free with a quarter of a million dollars of investors funds and ICO not being paid back.
This has all the same signals and tell tail signs of this happening again with this expect they just registered a licensed in an unknown place in the middle of no where instead of somewhere where scams are done on a daily basis and is second nature for that country's involvement to just be lost in the countless of other higher profile scams going on.
Give it a few more weeks and up to a month before this end's up the exact same way as that one did.
Just do a search for
Dailymodo and all will be revealed from last year's instance of this one gaming coin offering.
If the owners and
this hero member who is spewing his filth in his involvement in this - you will end up just like gamerfan did with his involvement with the Gamebet/GG scam fest did!