Yea, that makes no sense. Still not sure how any game, even if by some miracle someone that knows how to make games gets on board, makes the price of the coin go up, or makes the coin useful. Or how masternodes make the price go up.
Masternodes seem like away to generate more coins without putting more actual money into ion, which just means more coins ready to be dumped onto the head of a regular user.
Its simple its not the game that makes the price go up its the customer base that plays the game. Unfortunately gravity and those flash games are time wasters... its not a big community. Your big communities are the app stores for apple and android and windows and sites like new grounds though newgrounds is free.
Most coins utilising gaming will piggy back off existing games e.g. digibyte making a service that rewards people for playing csgo... csgo is a popular game. Ionomy is too small and has NO known triple a or known indie devs on it.
Essentially they are releasing gravity hoping to wow people into making other games to get a community to buy more coins from which existing masternode owners can sell them. It WON'T work for these reasons.
- Nobody with talent wants to make a game and get ion in sales and trade ion... they will steam greenlight, app store release etc and get actual money.
- Nobody with talent wants to donate their talent so others with a coin can make profit.
So essentially you need a talented dev with lots of ion they have bought that wants to increase the risky investment they bought... chances of that are slim....