Double-check the wallet address. Before sending your ETH, please check the wallet address on our subpage and DOUBLE check it by following our live stream.
Do not send ETH before the crowdsale start time.
We will disclose the wallet address publicly on January 16. However, you have to wait for the crowdsale to actually begin, before sending in your ETH.
Beware of scamming pages.
Some shady websites have already tried to scam you. Double check all webpage addresses and watch for spelling mistakes. It is best you save the in the taskbar. NEVER click on any links or open any emails that look suspicious.
Do your diligence and know before you invest.
We urge you to visit our website and read InsurePal whitepaper in which we laid out the company`s risk and opportunities. Be aware that ICOs are extremely risky and highly speculative investments. Never invest money that you can’t afford to lose. Make sure you read and understand the Terms & Conditions.
Plus Chuck Norris approves