Here's the latest Dev-Update:
MaidSafe Dev Update 16th November 2015BUGS!!! I should just end the update here, as bugs are challenging the team, both software bugs and health related bugs. For most of the already depleted team (bloody bugs) time is being spent identifying and squashing Routing bugs as well as improving error handling to make these less likely and easier to resolve in the future. This is not the kind of Dev Update we like to deliver, nor the type you probably want to read, however it is what has been happening in the last week. So we all have to open wide and take our medicine….
75% of the Engineers are working in Routing, identifying issues and creating a roadmap to get to a successful implementation. These issues are taking longer to resolve than previous bugs as between RUST-3 and RUST-5 some code has been uncovered that will not allow for a stable network to be implemented and this is currently being addressed. The work is happening in a branch called cleanup27 for those interested in closely following progress......
The launch of the network is taking some extra time due to some bugs. For those of you who want to join from the moment it get's live, here's a great opportunity. Some members on the forum are
creating a "Webring" full of websites to get live when the moment's there. The steps are quite easy even for those without that many knowledge of .html and building websites. the idea is as follows:
- Once Safenet is launched, you'll be able to create an account for free using a username, password etc.
- You should also be able to register a URL (decentralised) in the network. Using a plugin for Firefox you can surf these safesites typing safe:website in your browser.
- A tool will be provided to upload your website to the network. The software will use self_encryption and some encryption magic to get your site live on Safenet.
- The POC for this was
shown before when people tested a local Safenetwork and uploaded their sites.
The launch of Safenet is getting closer and closer so it would be great if we could have a lot of safesites online when it goes live.
Look at this topic if you want to register a URL and upload your own website once the network goes live. We already have over 20 users with websites ready to go.
Let’s Create The First SAFE Web!The ants are coming after they've kicked out the bugs