The Dev-team released some executable files for everyone to play with. The things you can do with these binaries are:
- Start some Vaults which create a little local SAFE Network on your computer (3 running Vaults would be great).
- Register your URL on your own SAFE Network using the DNS Tool (Decentralized Naming Service) on SAFE.
- Upload your own website or a test-website to your local SAFE Network.
- View your website on your own SAFE Network using Firefox (Waterfox for Windows) and the provided SAFE-Plugin.
This is what it looks like:
As you might have noticed, the http: and common URL's are not used on the SAFE Network. Everybody will be able to register their own domain name like:
In this case WWW is used, but it will also be possible on the network to just use a domain name like safe:yourwebsite In that case, the index.html is loaded as your main page.
So, what does this show us?
- The Dev-team shows us a proof of concept for the SAFE Network, including it's own decentralized naming service (DNS).
- On the SAFE Network, when you upload (PUT) data, your files are chunked and encrypted (using self-encryption) on your machine.
- The chunks are spread across the Vaults in the network (in this case your local network with 3 Vaults) in a way that the owner of the Vault doesn't know what's in there.
- If the owner of the data decides to make it public, all other users can view that data as well, making the SAFE Network a possible alternative for the normal internet.
- Using DNS people can register their own domain names on the SAFE Network. No need for long and impossible to remember url's like the ones used on TOR.
In the coming weeks, the Dev-team will work on the software so that a global network can be started. That would include the possibility for people to upload a website to the SAFE Network,
where chunks of data are stored on Vaults all around the globe (no longer local). When people register their domain name, others can look up their website using Firefox and the SAFE-Plugin.
For more information and a guide to test the software:
MaidSafe Dev Update 31st August 2015MaidSafe Dev Update 31st August 2015 - Part IIThere are executables for Linux, Mac OS and Windows (so far only 64-bit).
The Ants are coming!