They cut and paste BS lists and easily faked IRC chats and people run for the hills like scared kittens.
So, what if these people are involved with the keycoin. So, what if they tweeted about Keycoin. All kinds of people tweet and support all kinds of coins.
What are you only allowed to support one coin. Are you kidding! That's rediculous.
You all need to remember that Attious is a crook. He is the one that screwed everyone in the first place. So, if you wanna get screwed by the same guy again go on and listen to him.
OMG. Think and stop being sheep
someone wants cheap coins - wednesday so close
Serious question - Who would fall for that line? Unless we're dealing with the special Olympics of Crypto trading, I would venture to guess there aren't non-retarded traders touching Key with a 10-foot pole.