You have to read the discussion I linked to in order to understand. The point is that it's possible to have a bug where in a bid > ask condition a trade happens @590 even though someone with an ask @545 didn't get skipped over. I'm not saying this is the type of bug we're seeing, but it could be - we haven't isolated the problem yet because it's hard to reproduce and we are staying open about what it could be.
To give a simpler example than I linked to, suppose the order book is in the following bid > ask state:
sell 1 BTC @531
sell 1 BTC @530
buy 1 BTC @590
buy 1 BTC @529
If the sell side initiates the trade, then the ask @530 should fill at the best price available on the book, which is the bid @590. So the trade executes @590. Does this mean that the ask @531 was skipped over? No, because the ask @530 with its better offer has priority over the ask @531.
This is definitely a bug and should not happen. But the problem that makes it a bug is not that someone got skipped. So, again, my only point that it's possible to have a bug where a trade happens @590 even though someone with a sell @545 didn't get skipped. This is a bug we've seen before and addressed but we may not have fixed all cases of it yet.