Thank you, so you'll prevent piracy by storing data in the cloud. Doesn't sound like a very solid plan. Let's hope you'll be making so much money it won't matter. What could you do? This sounds crazy, but embrace piracy and learn to use it to your advantage or get plundered by pirates.
Sure, anyone who buys a lampix thinking they can pay it off by mining for 2 months will realize at $2.85/hr, that's a lot more work than how it initially sounds. Historically in crypto, a higher mining difficulty = higher price. If I were image mining, you wouldn't be able to separate a pix from me for less than $1 because I place a lot of value on my time....
So, higher pix value = better talent mining images. Why is this not discussed, and actually avoided as a topic?
I think its a myth and exaggerated (dramatized by headline events in the media) that cloud storage is less secure than the older traditional methods. Many enterprise level businesses use cloud storage, there is a high priority for companies who provide these services to be as secure as possible. As long as it's properly secured, which is the key it will be at no more of a risk than traditional methods.
This is more of a philosophical discussion but I don't think just because there always will be small groups or individuals in society attempting illicit activities that they should be pandered too and everything should be made "free" based off the idea that they will always exist. I know that's not your exact argument but you have to remember there are always indirect consequences to everything so with any extreme or drastic ideas it becomes complicated in measuring the real effect. These are just my opinions though not the company so I won't discuss it too much here.
Simply put, the system we are building is a marketplace of image datasets incentivized by the PIX token and driven by demand in the computer vision and machine learning fields. We expect computer vision and machine learning to strongly increase in growth which in turn will grow the demand.
With regards to the higher PIX value making it more lucrative and desirable to image mine I don't think it's a topic that is being avoided but just the opposite, I think that's what we want. So as you explained, yes you are right, it would be better for the mining and building the ecosystem if the PIX price increased. Similar to what happened last year with ethereum which rose in price dramatically and you saw a lot more people mining as a result as well as graphics cards being sold out for a period of time.
Phil, do you have any news about bounty?