Leocoin / LearnEarnOwn is a scam, this whole company is, with a few bright exceptions, but as far as LEO....SCAM! And how do I know that?Well i am a LEO member, been for 571 days, and problems and lies started right away. We were promised APIs, never got em, POS should be done a year ago, (If you want, Ill give you LEO "timeline chart"), we were promised that we will be able to sell our mined coins on our "LEO backoffice", never happened, coins missing, withheld for no reason - had to flip out for 300* coins,and list WILL GO ON!!! (People get ready this, shits bout to blow!) ....I can throw some names around if you like, like then name of the man who came up with LeoCoin idea, how he got all the right people together and how Dan ripped him off, pushed him to the side with nothing to show for his work, or why your main dev. left the project, and shit dont stop here people, oh no! Dont worry, there is alot of LEoMembers who feel they got fucked over, well by know they know it, and they will be posting here. We have been reading this incredible fairy tale and the bullshit has to stop somewhere right? And your brand new project X2 is a rip off,STOLEN IDEA / WORK that was shared, presented to Dan under the name LSU (LeoStartUp) and were told,quote from mail;
#Thanks for your email. I have been looking at crowd sourcing for years and think there is a good fit, but not sure how we/field make money on it.#....
and ive got a few other mails too,or lets say from Mihir Magudia....Leo people should know him, he is a high ranking member!
His mail;
"Can you send me any more plans or ideas you had on LEO Start Up please? I want to investigate it further. M"
....and yes, you can have PrtScr of the mails, all you need to do is ask
..So X2 is nothing but a bullshit story, other peoples idea (Dan must be singin "This is how we do" 50 cent voice) that was stolen just to sqqqquuuueeeeeezzzzzzeeeeee more money from people who are interested in cryptocurrency, but dont see the LEO picture and what they are tryin to do, and that would be, TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!! (Say some back!!!! i dare you, you fukk! We gonna talk bout fees, useless LEO MasterCard and so on.....and yes again, there are "LeoSupport" tickets that are just begging for a screenshot)
I admit, i was one of those souls, but i was lucky enough i got my money out. and LEOCoin is a part of MLM, stop bullshitin people. When it opened in Dubai....remember that?.....This is just a start, WE got alot to talk about, but for now, gotta go, life is calling