How is this any different to creating a botnet?
The user would know they are mining either for themselves or for the site.
All it would do is turn people away from litecoin or consider the website a trojan installer.
I 100% disagree. But if I had the perception of what you think the site would be used for, then I understand.
You really think it is OK to steal CPU cycles from people visiting the web site and there will be no back-lash?
Yes, there is a misunderstanding going on here. Where is stealing anything coming into play?
... and who is going to keep the coins? I take it your not going to give the coins to the person who mined them?
lol, duh, of course not, but I make sure that the people who use the sites I have it on, know it is running. I see the technology as a great way to avoid having to have ads on a web site while at the same time ensure costs can be recouped. I have no unethical intentions, I have been using BitcoinPlus on the Bitcoin Porn web site for months now, it has been advertised that it is using it since day one, along with a link to information on how it works.
A lot of technologies can be abused, but this one has a lot of good potential imo.
Well then all I can say is make sure it is VERY clear that the site is doing what most A/V programs consider to be a trojan.
It will only take one person to complain about it and I am certain that the FireFox block and google will block the site without a second thought.