Lot of news coming for Lobstex in these days!
After kointel testing, i read in Telegram that the new exchange is almost ready! Good job! (people dumping lobs and unlocking their masternodes will regret when this coin will go to the moon and they will never afford again the cost of setting up a MN)
I also read about a voting about a possible modification of the rewards percentage (PoS/MN) When/where can we vote?
In the future we will be voting about budgetary tasks using the Masternode command mnbudget vote? I have a MN running but i never used the voting commands, can somebody explain how it works exactly? I just read on the whitepaper about the commands mnbudget show
and mnbudget vote, tried in the console gives me this:
Vote or show current budgets
This command is depreciated, please see individual command documentation for future reference
Available commands:
prepare - Prepare proposal for network by signing and creating tx
submit - Submit proposal for network
vote-many - Vote on a Lobstex initiative
vote-alias - Vote on a Lobstex initiative
vote - Vote on a Lobstex initiative/budget
getvotes - Show current masternode budgets
getinfo - Show current masternode budgets
show - Show all budgets
projection - Show the projection of which proposals will be paid the next cycle
check - Scan proposals and remove invalid
nextblock - Get next superblock for budget system
so is it deprecated command? i assume will be/is replaced by other command like mnbudgetvote?
mnbudgetvote "local|many|alias" "votehash" "yes|no" ( "alias" )
Vote on a budget proposal
1. "mode" (string, required) The voting mode. 'local' for voting directly from a masternode, 'many' for voting with a MN controller and casting the same vote for each MN, 'alias' for voting with a MN controller and casting a vote for a single MN
2. "votehash" (string, required) The vote hash for the proposal
3. "votecast" (string, required) Your vote. 'yes' to vote for the proposal, 'no' to vote against
4. "alias" (string, required for 'alias' mode) The MN alias to cast a vote for.
is there a guide/how to on this? or i can write one if i can gather enough informations from you about it.