I think sorry that I have said that this trash coin.
I just want to know it simple.
But loyalty program is not a rare thing. There is it anywhere.
The ecosystem of the Bitcoin loyalty program will become much huger.
A this coin is swallowed, and it wouldn't be used.
There is no clear advantage.
It will be necessary to think about it seriously if you want to spread this coin.
I think you must be trolling because two of those links are about Bitcoin discounts and gift cards, not bitcoin loyalty programs, and if you had read the links as you claim you would surely be able to see the difference between the others and loyyal. I don't have the time or energy to explain everything about Loyal but here are some key differences with the program you link to:
- The actual loyalty program itself runs on the blockchain and is decentralized, not a centralized program which happens to use bitcoin.
- Smart contracts allow for branded loyyalty points with complex rules for issuance, breakage, individualized offers and so on.
- They have already signed up several very large customers.