And what exactly is the business-model? Or more directly: How to make money?
By the way: First when I saw this I thought it may could be a perfect fit with Factom.
The team is actively looking into Ethereum, as per the business plan. Yes, in theory any chain that supports issued assets could do. Openasset and Bitcoin decision was made at the very beginning, and integration takes time, so its not a goal to support any chain.
Business model is stated above as earning money on the spread, not commissions. Lykke can act as a market-maker. This part is also under very active development. You should find more documents on the website. If not, it will be good to have more questions in this direction - I'll forward them to the experts on the team. See this academic paper, e.g.
Factom - not currently under consideration but thanks for the suggestion. Publishing prices on a blockchain makes sense.
Okay, thank you very much for the quick reply! I will look deeper into it!