Hope he responds finally
I've been told I really need to be with you to get the coins from my old wallet into the new one... So here I am! How to proceed???
My received transactions were on 1J5XVoy32bgqGwro9jv1gjxxpDk6TL3QEN
1.73451028 MMXIV
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with 50% I'm running hugely behind and I was eager to switch ASAP
I am curious how OTHERS got their coins exchanged??
What to do, I'm rather panicking by now
If I try to copy the old wallet to the new %AppData%\MMXIV2 folder, all I get is:
A fatal error occurred. MMXIV can no longer continue safely and will quit.
EXCEPTION: NSt8ios_base7failureE
CDataStream::read() : endo of data
C:\Program ...\MMXIV-Qt.exe in Runaway exception.
The old wallet and new wallet are on different blockchains, the wallets are not compatible. You need to send a PM to MMXIV to get your coins swapped over to the new chain (this REALLY needs to be in the OP).
After three days the coins showed up in my new wallet and the amound was even a bit more than i sent him.
Really great!
A word to the staking issue:
To have peace in mind open the debugwindow and type "getinfo"
there you can see the coins staking, and can be shure that it is only a
matter of display, the process is working