I am happy to announce that the first trading bot is ready. It took me quite a while to code this sellbot. I apologize for not being able to accurately predict the time needed to develop it. Github and windows wallets have been updated. Here are the steps how to use the trading bot:
Steps in using the trading bot:
1. Go to Settings -> Options -> Bots tab
2. Enter your API Key and Secret that you can get from Bittrex website (Go to Settings -> API Keys) and save settings
3. Go to Bots tab and choose which coin you would like to sell
4. Choose “Total sell limit (BTC)”, i.e. total amount of coins in BTC that you would like to sell
5. Choose “Set a sell order limit (BTC)”, i.e. the size of each individual sell order
6. Choose % of deviation between individual sell orders
7. Click “Trade” button
Sellbot is doing the following – bot is putting a sell order that is 1 satoshi lower than the existent lowest sell order. If someone is putting a sell order below sellbot’s sell order, sellbot is cancelling its sell order and puts another sell order that is 1 satoshi lower than the existent lowest sell order. If sellbot’s sell order has been fulfilled sellbot is putting new sell order that is 1 satoshi lower than the fulfilled order. This process continues until “Total sell limit (BTC)” has been reached.
Investors have been dumping and I dont trust your bot. You should have taken better care of this coin.
The fact is that YOU have dumped and now you're crying. Dev did what he had promised. So stop
I dont had so much coins, and they were free. I do not like to see people loose money. There were no support for this coin and the bot is a simple bot.
Dont worry about me. Im not a trader. I just gave this coin my support and now I stoped. This bot is a one day job for a programer.
This is not the important fact. The important fact is that from now investors can trust in dev even if he will not appear for some days, and this is his FIRST bot, so there is a good work program.