Now who would have 50,000,000 to dump?
Since you posted about it in real time, and are constantly spreading FUD.... I'm guessing it's you.
Ugh, no lol. I wish I had 50,000,000
Probably more likely part of the pre-mine.
Maybe. Or maybe it was someone cutting their losses and bailing. Up until that dump the total daily trading volume was like 9 BTC and it's been looking stale for a week now.
Most people have got their Mint tucked up in their wallets earning interest,no need to be on MintPal unless looking for a bit extra like me. We're all going Long on this one!
Good point. I didn't think of that. It could just be people dumping their 20% interest.
Maybe the dev could lower the rate of interest. 20% is pretty ridiculously high and people are just going to dump that onto the market as free profit everyday.