I'm planning on starting a github fork of bitcoinj or digibytej in the weekend for a base of the android wallet. I think I digged deep enough in the mintcoin C++ codebase to make this conversion. Once the library is done, rest is just UI, and can be forked from any coin wallet.
I'll start the project on github, and will provide write access to the repo for interested parties. I want all the changes of mint from bitcoinj or digibytej to be recorded in github, so it will be easy to merge upstream changes later. (As far as I can see, digibytej started as a brand new project, and uploaded bitcoinj + their changes in a single commit, which makes it hard to keep track of what they changed)
I haven't tested any coin's android wallets myself, if there are differences in look & feel of them, I'll be happy to know.
Still, if anyone already started this, please don't stop development This message is just FYI, not a commitment yet.
why not fork off hash engineering digitalcoinj he implements alot of stuff into once class for easier porting of coins
I did quite a bit of reading on Hash Engineering last night, and it seems like they are currently involved with 3 to 5 other wallets and are not taking on anything new for the time being.
If they are interested, they are more than welcome to participate the same as the others that have said they will be working on it.
Yah he is to busy I was just saying he is interested in pos coins for android and his git repo seems like it is easy to fork for other coins why start straight from the bitcoinj because then we also have to figure our how to get the mbtc out. when he has already done most of the work as far as bringing most of the variables to one class like total coins genisis block block size blah blah blah. However peercoin does have a fork of the myceluim wallet that interests me. But seems like it is still in heavy development. Sorry about spelling and grammer mining on this computer and being so slow lol.