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[email protected]Would you please consider adding Mjollnircoin (MNR) to your great exchange?
This is a well thought out alt coin that is going to be a big hit this summer with it's cool running algorithm.
I would highly suggest you consider directly adding this coin to your exchange without going through the voting process.
This is the only coin at present to use the HEFTY1 algorithm with no gimmicky voting which is flawed in HVC.
Here are the specs:
Algorithm: HEFTY1 (ASIC-resistant) without voting
Ultra secure: SHA-256, Keccak-512, Grøestl-512 & BLAKE-512
Total supply: 42 million mjollnircoins (42,000,004)
Block time: 2 minutes
Block re-target up: Every 10 blocks (Max 100%)
Block re-target down: Every block (Max 500%)
First week reward: 125 MNR dropping to 50 MNR in 5.5 days
Weeks 2 -21: 50 MNR
Block reduction after week 21: Slow steady decrease of 0.85% every 11 days
Multipool defence: Temporal re-targeting
IPO (Premine): 0.5% for public fundraiser, bounties and giveaway
Mining: CPU and GPU (both amd and nvidia)
Features: Coin Control,QR Code support and UPNP,
Carlo xxxx (signed with my name)