I have a bout 10,000 MUE, which should be enough, but I'm a bit confused on how it works and how to set it up. MyMue.com does not really explain anything at all...
Can someone please explain to me how it works?
In a nutshell, you deposit 10,000 MUE to the mymue platform, and that allows you to buy a share of a masternode when the shares are available for purchase, or you can go on the marketplace on mymue and buy a share from another user.
Mymue is run by one of the core members of MonetaryUnit, but you still need to trust your coins to a third party. If you can buy a share, once you feel like taking your coins out again, you sell back your share to the platform, and withdraw your balance. It is possible to keep your share and just withdraw the earnings too if you like.
Set up and account of the mymue platform and take a look around. Feel free to join our discord chat https://discord.gg/5PD3X7G and speak to user @pjcltd who runs the site.
Much thanks for clarifying. Will check it out.
Aprox. how much earnings can I expect from 10,000 MUE or 1 Share ?