Damn dude, that is REALLY hard for you not to do ha?!
It is hard for me not to post in big letters, because the vast majority of members are posting negative comments, even while the DEV is working - it is just that people want to ruin everything, there are people that just hold others back.
The truth is that soopy gets seriously irritated by the negativity of members - it scares him away. HE HAS EVEN COMPLAINED TO ME ABOUT THIS ON MANY OTHER OCCASIONS.
It seems that cryptos have hidden costs, like computers, costs of running servers, etc. We cannot imagine how badly our Dev was worn out after the double spend attack.
I know man, I have actually laughed a few times cause I can see how hard it is for you:-)
It's all good bud, I can tell you are a good dude and mean well or I probably would not have bothered. We shouldn't need to fear soopy running though over fud, it is an avoidable inevitability with every coin. He is phenomenal in his work as a dev, but he also needs to harden up to that crap or he will failing around every corner in this world of crypto. That is what I see him doing though so I am not concerned anymore with that.
Sometimes bro, ya gotta just ignore em instead of letting them get to your emotions and I think that is what it says a lot when you yell your words. Your essentially giving them what they want, where as if you just lightly brush em off calmly sharing your opinion it would I think give them less reason to continue the fud! These guys like looking like asssholes and they LOVE to debate, helps em spread the bullshit coming off their keyboards.