although we all appreciate the post of Halofire, the problems remains.... and these are mostly all related to the lack of "caring" and follow-up that the nav dev team are giving to their investors - that are extremely patient - but there is no smoke without fire and explains why the coin value is still dropping.
by the lack of caring and followup i mean, for example :
just take a look at this ann title :
1. Event in Taipei...?!? why it's still there? why we haven't heard about the excerpts and presentation of this, why the promised followup, more info and pictures haven't been posted yet?
2. New roadmap...?!? why is the percentages not increasing at all?
others concerns...
3. block explorer... ?!? last block is september 24th
WTF? the issue was raised here, no reply yet, why?
4. bip issue... ?!? why the "we will give you news soon, it's almost completed" if it's to totally forget or avoiding to give a feedback and follow up on that?
5. decreasing block intervals (reported and updated by Remy_5) ...?!? why there is no update on that issue? why Remy_5 had to ask multiple times and post and re-post charts for days and weeks before someone from the nav dev team finally care to reply that "we will check this" ?
..those are simple 5 legit concerns (probably seen as fud by you) that i've listed but the biggest one imho is the resulting "networking" effect that fade and fade : there is not a lot of crypto peeps and it's becoming a smaller circle-jerk by days when ppl lose more and more interest in the alts scene, either by completely leaving crypto or by going for other promising ones. it's clear that navajo have lost a lot of peeps by making them wait for so long, by hyping and not delivering yet ( just thinking about all the "in the beginning of {insert month here} we will..." words by the nav team, to finally see at the last week of that said month that nothing happened. ). Hell, I don't even know what Strugg really do around here, am i the only one to believe he really should up his game? so the end result is that ppl are leaving and the usual bagholders grab more shares in order to eventually dump on any small value increase (for example the most annoying one here posting youtube links and shilling non-stop, while dumping). the less ppl that stay in nav, the less networking effect nav will have. yeah, yeah, i know... see this as fud if you want to, but rejoice, will be my last post here. btw, where is the last weekly update? Why nobody from the nav dev team is posting on navcointalk?
Everytime someone posts concerns like this we get X posts that are pointless just to bump over to the next page.
I couldn't care less what Music you listen to or what type of videos you post on YouTube when their not directly Nav related.