I think this rivalry is great for what the NavajoCoin Whitepaper offers and is bringing to the market trading floor.
DRK does not have anything like Subchains . In fact no other coin has Subchains . The power of Subchains will be realized soon after the Navajocoin – State Of The Art Anonymous Network is Live!
Remember this is Just the Beginning!
We already have one developer from outside who thinks that this is not even possible and nothing will come on the 9th March 2015 . This is what makes everything so exciting.
Then again we do have Soopy , Pakage and the Development Team and they have already shown us the Beta working with now the addition of the Double Encryption layer coming and a brand new paper whitepaper released . Soon the good questions will be asked . The earlier Believers will be rewarded for their faith and the NavajoCoin Development will have the TIME to answer and debate the hard questions.
What does ~hashforce101~ say . Buy some coins Ill say it a thousand times and keep them under you mattress.
I told you to buy at 300 ,550 ,800 ,1000 2000,3000 buy them coins seriously
I can bet Soopy cant wait to get back on this forum and kick some butt!