1. "EasySend" implementation - The intent of "EasySend" is to eliminate the need to remember cumbersome PIGGY addresses
The external repositories can be simpler to curate (in case non-kid-friendly stuff gets in there), however what about having some way to store a "friendly name" in the blockchain rather than involving an external repository? (ala namecoin)
The "friendly name" could be restricted to a "friendly reference", like a profile page from selected social networks, in order to ensure curation.
The end-goal would be to have some form of name resolution encoded onto the chain, however initial stages will be exactly as you suggest - using external repositories for curation.
Easysend will be implemented with the concept of a "Name Resolution Provider (NRP)" which will resolve a name to a list of possible PIGGY addresses, each potentially from a different provider. For example if there were Twitter, Facebook, Freenode and DNKey NRPs the user may be presented with 4 addresses, 3 of which are the same, I would select one of the 3 same to send to as it would be less likely that all three providers were compromised. The 3 same would likely be displayed in the selection dialogue as having a rank of 3 vs the other with a rank of 1.
So the user flow would be:
Enter a name in the address box ... I enter neurocis{at}piggy-coin.com ... Upon clicking send (an address which fails validation triggers a lookup) or lookup each provider is queried by the client wallet directly.
1. In the case of the Twitter NRP, it would strip after the @ and perform a search on "from:neurocis #MYPIGGYADDR"
2. In the case of DNKey a DNS lookup TXT lookup on neurocis.dnkey.piggy-coin.com would result in
https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=txt%3aneurocis.dnkey.piggy-coin.com&run=toolpage. The us of the subdomain dnkey deviates from the dnkey standard but lends more flexibility in management of the TXT records by the domain holder.
3. Cycle through other NRPs and aggregate results.
4. User is presented with a list, in this case one address " (+2) poixahFnMBaBwJGrDTPqyNzzKesQghauQ7" potentially with links to the NRP specific lookup result.
5. Address is selected and User is presented with an option to save in local address book.
6. Transaction proceeds as usual.
Additional NRPs can be added as developed and "plugged-in" to the wallet.
The first NRPs that will be developed would target DNKey and Twitter, with others to follow, eventually including a blockchain based NRP.
The DNKey NRP for the domain Piggy-Coin.com would serve as a boot-strap with public registration (valid email address for verification requested).
Additionally these may be extended to support trust signature(s) as well as instead of the PIGGY address, a link to an address generator (HD wallet?) uncoupling an identity from the address used.