how to configure cryptonight miner?
i am using 5.6.1
i tried this code, sgminer opens and closes no mining..
sgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u MYBTCWALLET -p x
USE SGMINER-GM 5.5.5-8--
If you look in the source code for SGminer-5.6.1, you will find no CryptoNight kernel. Instead, NiceHash modified SGminer-GM, which has code from Wolf0 for CryptoNight.
SGminer-GM v5.5.5-8 can be found on the NiceHash GitHub. It will work well on NiceHash. --scryptr
thanks you i will try this version
and my code is correct?
sgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u MYBTCWALLET -p x
In Windows or Linux, a configuration file will work better. I posted a CryptoNight configuration on the previous page. Here is the link: .
With this configuration on Windows, any word that is "ALL CAPS" is a variable, and will need to be replaced with the actual value for your rig. That is, "PASSWORD" would be just "x", and "WORKER" could be "rig1". The "MAXTEMP" values could be "85" and "87", or similar. Copy the configuration, paste it into Notepad, and put your personal info in the variable spots. Save it as a file named "cryptonight .conf", being sure to save it as an "all files" type from Notepad. Then, launch SGminer-GM with a line like this:
sgminer.exe -c cryptonight.conf
The configuration file will be read into SGminer on launch. A little typo can result in failure, but the configuration file is easier to manage than stringing all the variables into a single launch line. The configuration file allows a miner to address the powerful features of SGminer like overheat protection, keeping stale shares from being submitted, and backup pools. Although my configuration was for a Linux system that passes values as variables, the file is fine for Windows if the values are simply written in place.
The above line should work fine in a Command window, but a batch file with a shortcut makes it easier to use. A simple batch file could be:
===CUT LINE===
sgminer.exe -c cryptonight.conf
goto loop
Save the text portion (not the cut lines) into a file called XMR.bat, create a shortcut to the batch file, and save it to your desktop. The loop structure allows a miner to stop the program, make a change, and quickly restart.