I think Noah's Arc is taking on massive amounts of water, break out the buckets and start bailing out
this is what happens with useless p&d coins catered only to an elite few i.e. ( a Pool owner uh um, buttrex and an assorted handful of rig renters) .... to make as much as they can in the first 12- 24 hours. Wake up people and quit helping this "racket". Who knows maybe someone will want this coin eventually? what's this coin for again anyways? lol
Wait a minute, don't you think that 400 -500 sats is not the right value? We all know that people pay too much in the beginning and based on the IPO price i would expect Noahcoin to trade at around 360 - 500. Everything that is higher is speculation, Putting the coin at 500sats then you have a marketcap of 8BTC. People that thought that this will be a $500,000 coin are totally wrong. Lets create a nice basis at around 400 sats and let DEV team move little by little.
Its seems to have established its floor, and I'm glad the dev pointed out the pay per click concept. But coins need a defined purpose because there simply is too many right now. Obviously I'm not happy with the way the launch went down, seemed pretty 1 sided as usual. I feel bad for the pool operators who took the time to set up their pools and so forth, and yet again, only one pool, one exchange and a handful of rig renter miners really benefitted. I'm tired of seeing this same "crew" ruining coins for many who wanted to be part of the launch and earn some coins. I really hope we see a shift towards a Fair Distribution of future coins. To many are excluded under these conditions and I personally feel it is bad for the coin and most of the coins are in the hands of only a few after launch, I mean what's the point? Don't we want as many coins to be distributed to as many for stability and steady growth and lesson the p&d effect?
Hi, i understand your point of view, but please note that this is not a 5 or 7 day POW, but a 138 day POW, so that means that everybody that want to mine this coin still have plenty of time to select another mining pool or start mining the coin in a later stage. Mining the coin in a later stage even earn more reward then currently the 100 Noahcoin rewards. Only 72,000 coins are being mined per day at this moment, so there is still plenty of room left for other pool owners to take a partial of Noahcoin.
The p&d effect, we didn't pump anything or didn't dump anything, but it is a normal effect, almost all the coins have the same issue. We want to work for our coin, and yes, indeed there are so many new coins, but then it is our job to try to make a difference, no?