Lets do the math here:
Dev have 2,000,000 coins, correct?
There has been 300 blocks of 40 coins and we started at 6GMT, so that is almost 6 hours ago, so 12000 coins has been mined in 6 hours, so this means that dev have a FREE 1000 hours of mining or that is almost 42 DAYS!!! I know one word for it, but i will not say what i'm thinking....
R.I.P. to the aliens and let Marscoin begin, but with a better structure, with a fair structure, most likely again someone of 18 years old that think that he will win the lottory. Stay with coins with developers, real developers and with no premine or premine but less then 2%, for example ESM (eSportMoney) no premine, XIV (only a few blocks) and OGC (OnlineGamingCoin) 1.5M premined for developing.
Let's do the math, it is LESS than 4 hours and of these 4 hours, 1 hour was mining the first 1000 blocks that gave nothing by design, so, we have been mining 3 hours with 40 coin blocks.
That means roughly a hundred throusand coins per day at present hashrate.
If devs make the use of the premine transparent and use it for the development of the coin, I donät see how this can be bad.