can now purchase OCTO with BTC/XCP via a SwapBot. The price is higher but any BTC/XCP raised through the swapbot will go directly to the development fund for the Fantasy MMA site that will you can only play with OCTO! This will be the first OCTO powered website. If you have a project or game that you would like OCTO to fuel, PM me and we will set up a SwapBot to help fund your project. We need games and apps that OCTO only will fuel to help give OCTO some value.
NOTE: you MUST use either Counterwallet or the LTB Companion to be able to control and use your tokens. Do NOT send BTC from a shared wallet service like Coinbase, Circle, Bitstamp, etc. Instead, quickly create a counterparty compatible wallet with one of the tools above, send the BTC to one of your new addresses, and now use that wallet to deal with bitcoin and tokens.
Going to try this later as soon as I get access to wallet.
Kudos on your unrelenting work reviving this coin. . I think you're a little ahead of your time with the tokenization aspects, especially with this small fish as a testbed but this kind of transition is going to become increasingly prevalent over time and perhaps with "bigger" coins that have are on their death beds or abandoned might find greater traction. You're setting a great example of how it's done.
Yes please try it! I hope this type of stuff catches on. I will probably lower the price if I can. 1 penny is a bit much, although it would raise a lot more money quickly, selling less OCTO. But compared to the Bittrex price it's way too high. I just could not get any of the prices to go lower than a penny. I believe the swapbot can be set to a lower set amount.
And yeah, I agree, this is ahead of its time. You guys should definitely head over to letstalkbitcoin forum and thank Adam and the guys at LTB and Tokenly. They gave me pretty early access to set this thing up.
I think the idea of token to token swapbots is great and it works here for selling OCTO. But, the coolest thing is called Tender. It lets you set up a swapbot to accept BTC or other Counterparty tokens to sell other actual items such as subscriptions, consulting, other digital or physical goods. Or you can just sell the tokens to be redeemed later. It's great for stuff like consultations and subscriptions because you might buy the token for that item at a great price while it's on sale but you can use it later when needed by redeeming it.
As for OCTO, I cannot wait to get an actual dev, so that when we start to build out app and game websites we can infuse the Tokenly open source code for stuff like Swapbots and Token Control Access right on our site or forum.
I also have lots of ideas that will hopefully use swapbots and TCA to get more vendors on board. The first project will be This will be a Bitcoin Directory that rewards the users and the vendors who pay to list on the website, but will allow buying votes for rankings in the vendors category, swapbots on the vendors page so they know that the vendor knows that sales came from the directory and other cools uses with TCA.
Now, is my own site and I will defintiely keep some profit and work with the ENABLEBTC token but I made a commitment that I would support OCTO with some of the profit. I promise once I start to see some decent income I will probably be buying OCTO from the swapbots so that I see OCTO and OCTO sees Bitcoin towards development.
Another great thing, is any of you can set up Swapbots. It's not too hard, and it's not too expensive to get started. If You have a website, or even social media, set up a swapbot to offer your goods and services and make OCTO a payment option. You can select any Counterparty tokens for payment you want and in the future Tend will accept credit card payments through Stripe.
So it's a growing platform and we will see where it leads too. Here is an intro video posted below. If you have OCTO and have not joined the OCTO forum on letstalkbitcoin, go on over and sync your counterwallet address with your LTB account. Once you do that and you hold OCTO in the address, you will be able to see the OCTO forum for OCTO holders only.
Adam from LTB is on there so be sure to post something thanking them for their hard work on Tokenly and LTB. That's what makes a lot of this possible for OCTO. I have been waiting patiently for these things to launch so OCTO could use them.
Also, If you have any questions about letstalkbitcoin, counterwallet, etc., Robert at Folding Coin has a great set of videos that explain all of these features and how tos as far as syncing stuff on LTB. Check out that FoldingCoin youtube channel and like and share his videos.
Check out the LTB forum OCTO 888 lottery faucet so that you can post your address and receive between 1-888 OCTO monthly.
Here's the Tokenly Swapbot video: