Crypto needs this.. It's the only thing that's going to slow down the scams.
I encourage people to be sceptical at all times. That's one of the reasons I've chosen Opal to invest in, I know where the developers minds are at from their past performance.
Perhaps if people were more sceptical with Mt.Gox, or LTCGear, those things wouldn't have happened so easily. If someone questioned either of those, would you have said "It's amazing how people are always on the offensive"?
You don't want to be sceptical after it's too late. At the very beginning of something is the best time.
Your system is new.
Ok, so that makes sense. Instead of skimming, it was something similar, but not quite so evil.
You wanted to setup a donation site so people you visit locally (family and friends I assume, near your geographic location), could get a hold of some crypto without buying any.
(using your own words basically)
It would be better to just buy $50 or $100 worth and donate them to your family and friends or whatever "local" group of people you are talking about.