The 'squared circle' or 'squaring the circle' is a 17th century alchemical glyph or symbol for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone was supposed to be able to transmute base metals into gold and perhaps be an elixir of life.
- Frater5, Wikipedia CommonsPhilosopherstone (PHS) - a fork of DiamondCoin, with several algorithms fixed and improved. It is descendent of Novacoin/PPCoin with Pow/PoS. It combines the great features from Luckycoin (random blocks) and Florincoin (transaction message), is launched! No Premine!There were a couple of new PoW/PoS coins launched recently, most have problems with PoS generation. Either we see zero-coin PoS blocks generated, or the generation is not accurately reflected in desired PoS percentage. In Philosopherstone we fixed these issues, and after 5-10 days the PoS blocks will be generated reflecting the precise interest rate defined by the coin (in this case 50% annual interest or 3.44% monthly interest). Proof of stake coin is more secure and is much more resilient to 51% attack.
Philosopherstone provides annual interest rate of 50%, for stakes that are not moved during the period. This equivalent to 3.44% monthly interest. PoS blocks will be generated if the stake is held for more than 5-10 days.
Other specifications:
- Each normal block has 64 Philosopherstone
- 2 minutes block time
- Difficulty retargets every block
- Mining payout will be halved every 3 months (or every 64800 blocks)
- Expected total mined coins will be 8,891,840 Philosopherstones
- 4 confirmations for transactions
- 50 confirmations for minted blocks
- Support transaction message
- Maximum number of Philosopherstones to be generated is 2 billion
- Random bonus blocks are (on average):
- 1 superblock of 512 Philosopherstones every day
- 1 superblock of 128 Philosopherstones every hour (24 such blocks per day)
- When getting superblocks, different images will displayed, so it is easy to see.
- The default ports are 16281(Connect) and 16282(RPC).
To encourage accumulating initial stake, for the first 5 days all the payout will be doubled.Mining Pools:sheinsha's stratum mining pool:Pool fees 1%, 60 block confirms for fast payouts, and only 0.01 PHS payout fee to pay the actual transaction fee.
Start your miner using the following parameters:
URL: stratum+tcp://
PORT: 3338
USER: username.worker
PASS: workerPass
Sample command-line:
./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// --scrypt -u username.worker -p workerPass
Lucazane's pool: Download (Version 1.2 beta3):Windows Client Download (1.2 beta3 from Palmdetroit)!91F3GCBA!bjHmWhMJiBHJ_NdE3EGL3HnWhRxtSUairomKlc5zCYo
Sourceforge: Code Download: Sample philosopherstone.conf:listen=1
Getting Started:1. Start up philosopherstone-qt, wait for it to load, then exit.
2. Put philosopherstone.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/AppData/Roaming/Philosopherstone
3. Restart philosopherstone-qt, and you should connect and sync.
4. For solo mining, launch cgminer or the mining program you use and begin mining.
cgminer ex: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:16282 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)