no 1 I totally agree myself as a non techie ..I want to later when we have funds to change this wallet to a token but we need money to do this and I will research what better way to go about it, today I was actually discussing this with our team about down the road changing it to an asset token.
2. I will pm you tomorrow with instructions step by step it isn't too hard ..I was also where you are now and nearly a 50 year old woman lol so don't give up..
3. Yes download 500 coins to your wallet then officially you are a qbk bagholder eligible for bagbonuses..
4. Please bear with us we will strive to make the qbk experience a more pleasant one but at the moment qrow must grow our funds and assets..this is the most important step for us, then all the rest will follow..
Thanks for the information, I have more questions when you get a chance.
1. In the ANN page under Road map, would you say Qibuck is still in phase 1?
2. In the ANN page under Reward it says "We will also give out random bonueses to nice behaving bagholder wallets throughout the bi monthly fiscal period." What does nice behaving mean? Does that mean open 24hrs a day? Just not sure how to have a nice behaving wallet.
3. What and where can we find out as much as possible regarding the NDA you spoke? What I am saying is there any transparency or are decisions made that we can never know about even if it is not specifics? Just trying to get up to speed on this coin to make my own decisions going forward. Thanks!
1. Yes def phase 1.
2. Like the wallets that have over 500 coins in them..we haven't started these bagfests yet but we hope to within the next 2 months..
3. NDA is just coming into effect for one investment. Also because we got scammed by the dev of development funds plus some other scammers I had to put up most of my own assets up to qbk because I created this coin and it's my baby along with our Team of course so it has a special and deep meaning for me this coin so some investments are private. I am adding 2 more today (private investments to the list)that I will be giving 25% of the roi from my own investment into QBK assets and buy support, one will start paying me in 90 days hopefully. We have an asset sheet on the front page which I will update later today.. Only NDA FOR UCICION founders is private because UCICOIN is backed by HIT which has an NDA attached to it but as monies appear to us Founders they will just be added here with whatever news we will be allowed to discuss..Other investments so far are not private in that way..and are on the sheet.. Eventually as our assets grow we will probably turn QBK bagholders into a private club, we are thinking if we reach 100k BTC worth of investments.. The coin will still be traded but Bagholders will have their own back office etc, this is the plan eventually. So some of the OP will be modified and improved for the benefit of Bagholders. Hope this helps..
. We were fudded and scammed hardcore in the first 5 months of our existence but we have prevailed and peeps know of my hardcore determination to believe that failure is but a pathway to success, not an option.
. I may be a lady but the battle is on.. We have a long road ahead and a lot of Baghodlers to make happy.