how the amount raised by Qtum - $15,664,829.30 - is not ONLY exact, but converted to USD to the fuckin penny. How is that some editor on Wikipedia has access to proof of exactly what Qtum collected but folks here on this thread do not after asking countless times for it under the auspices of transparency that Qtum promised it would provide?
Is this the guy who edited said Wikipedia page? ->;u=274593All in on qtum waiting for some good returns. All in? i feel sorry you will lose your money. Your funds are now frozen until September. Congrats.Okay, I've crunched the numbers and opted to forego raising $200,000,000 USD during my entity's ICO in lieu of $250,000,000 ($250M) - a QUARTER of a BILLION DOLLARS - a morer betterer rounderer number that'll be much morer harderer to surpass in the future by entities in this space (or elsewhere) choosing this course of fund raising. Expect the newly created thread today (penning now).
Goal: To soon be at the top of this list -> this time next week, the buzz will be about my project, having for-real transparency, and it'll overshadow whatever Qtum is up to. So if you want
some good returns, then best get in early, for I'm limiting the number of participants to ONLY one million people during the first <6 years. And, you won't have to wait till September to start recognizing returns, for we'll NEED to be outta Beta by the third week of June.
One more thing. My first press release with clearly state in the first paragraph that it's a fuckin press release (barring the word 'fuckin', albeit it may or may not be implied), complete with how much I paid for the privilege.
Bruno (Chinese name: Luŏ Xióng; 裸熊)