Some initial questions:
1. You mention that tokens are used by individuals who want to list, and provided to "verified users". What determines the magnitude of token payouts? What constitutes a verified user in this process - the entire user pool?
2. What measures are taken to confirm that said listings are genuine? This seems initially like a decentralized method of enforcement, but unsure how well this will work at the very early stages.
3. Are there specific real estate MLS markets that you are looking to target initially? Consideration obviously has to be made re. legal barriers, existing supply/demand dynamics of said marketplaces, etc.
4. You mentioned the barriers to tokenized ownership especially in most US/Western markets. Building on above, what markets have you identified that might be more amenable to tokenized ownership / "colored coins" models?
Thanks in advance. Regardless, at least something different.
1.Token payouts are static. We’re finalizing but amount but it will be around 15 REX per listing. Token payouts are distributed through the Listing Rewards contract. At launch, 20% of the total supply will sit in this contract. The contract will be supplied by fee’s collected from users that participate in certain platform features (REX professional profile, market sponsorships, etc.) The funds are redistributed to incentivize listee’s and continue to populate the platform.
2.Each listing has a 2 week payout period. When the user submits the listing it’s posted right away however the listing reward is delayed two weeks. The listing is sent to a verification page where other local users in that market can view/flag the property as spam.
If the listing is flagged, the listing enters an arbitration period. We’ll have the listees and the flaggers account name. In the beginning, we’ll make the determination if the listing is indeed spam.
If it’s not, the listee gets the reward and the flagger’s credibility rating drops.
If it is spam, the flagger receives the reward and listed credibility rating drops.
3. Independent listees can list (it’s their data) anywhere in the world. Locally, in the US and Australia were structuring partnerships.
4. Tokenized ownership is complicated but we’re making progress on feasibility in the US and AUS. By the time we hit that stage, we will have proved transactions work and are sustainable on REX. We’re building the software tools where major firms can use the REX foundation as a boilerplate and engage in transactions themselves. We will start with a small use case like a 10,000/SF office lease. Once proven, we intend to promote third party firms/developers to build on top of the REX engine.