Dogecoin coins extracted 70,401,039,268 currencies total 100,000,000,000 price: 0.00000098
Mintcoin coins extracted 18,756,214,935 currencies total 50,000,000,000 price: 0.00000017
Redcoin coins extracted 19,188,350,012 currencies total 109,000,000,000 price: 0.00000003
Zeitcoin coins extracted 27,150,028,367 currencies total 90,000,000,000 price: 0.00000007
Eccoin coins extracted 14,828,757,202 currencies total 50,000,000,000 price: 0.00000008
Saturncoin coins extracted 6,562,987,841 currencies total price: 0.00000001
looking at all those coins explorers and resources saturn has better quality and speed that those for example, and the coin is way faster than all of them.
undervaluated much?
Now you are doing well and the market will make the SAT in its rightful place.