How do you see sessia after 5 years? You know, after 2 years majority of crypto start ups are dead, so why will you able to change it?
According to our estimates, in 5 years Sessia will have up to 150
million users, of which 2.75 million users will have an average
annual receipt of $500. This number is a conservative estimate,
however, we are confident the figure will grow over time. This will
generate an annual turnover of approximately $1.375 billion, and if
the average cashback offered by the companies equals 10%, and
our average commission is 20% of the cashback, then our revenue
will amount to $27.5 million. Over the course of 5 years, we are
planning to obtain over $2.5 billion in revenue.
We would be able to surpass these estimates if this year we manage
to actively and simultaneously develop in such large markets as the
USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Korea. This is the reason
why we’re launching kicks sale promotions.