Can I put my TB to the network? And will I earn Siacoin? If so how to do it?
thank you for your reply
Absolutely! Yes, you earn SC with that, it is called hosting (or "farming" in Sia jargon). Just download the last Sia client, wait until the blockchain is synchronized, go to the Hosting tab, choose your parameters (pricing, drives, collateral) and click on "Announce host". Just be sure to have some SC on your wallet to offer as a collateral (minimum 2000SC unless you use the command line instead of the UI)
Can you actively store files on Sia yet? If not, is their an eta for their initial cloud storage release?
Storing files have been enabled since Day 1. File sharing is what is yet to be implemented (probably by June)
While your file is stored within a contract on sia, is the file still available for download and usage/editing by yourself? In the same way I might email myself a document so I can continue working on them from home, or some people use Dropbox for this same purpose.
I'm not sure how this could be possible (everytime you edit the file it would surely change the file and its size, thus making your contract invalid). If it isn't possible then that would make sia more like a bank savings account for your files, where you can't touch them for a particular period of time but they are indeed kept safe.
I obviously know nothing so any explanation is appreciated
Right now, Sia is better as a long-term storage, because if you modify a file, the whole file will need to be uploaded again instead of just the modified bytes. Perfect case-use scenario: backups storing. However, partial file upload is in the roadmap (I think they will release it by June too) what will enable that feature you mention: you modify a part of the file and only that parts are uploaded, saving bandwith and costs in SC for the renter. Moreover, an independent developer is preparing a tool called Sia Drive, a kind of Dropbox/Onedrive: You choose a folder and every time you save a new file or modify it is uploaded to Sia automatically.
Hi does anybody else have problem with depost? I've transfered coins from trex to polo and it has been 24h and coins are still pending on polo, waiting 0 of 9 confirmations? thx
Poloniex is experiencing several problems with Sia wallet these days. First check in the Tx ID the withdrawal is in the blockchain and then open a ticket in Poloniex