As relevant questions are raised, we seek to clarify these in this post. Please ensure that you have taken the time to read the full statement on the new official website
https://signatum.org/ - if after reading this you have questions or concerns, please raise these here or on Discord and we will ensure that they are answered and addressed effectively.
How will the premine be handled?To be clear, the premine will
not be paid out on day zero of the new blockchain. The payments will be made on a monthly/quarterly basis (salary/bonuses of sorts).
All addresses of the core team will be made visible and the funds will be controlled by
Cryptovore and
Squbs within the core team. We are keen on making this a transparent process. We are doing our uppermost to ensure that this is treated in a professional manner, aligning developers incentives with that of investors and keen to alleviate many aspects of principal-agent asymmetries. We are dedicated to making this work for all of us.
Is the coin-swap mandatory?Swapping your coins on to the new blockchain currently in development
is not mandatory. This is an offer that we decided in unison, in the new foundation team, was ultimately the best way forward, to help protect investors’ personal savings and investments. We could have just as easily launched a new coin and not have bothered with the swap - and Signatum’s history - allowing the current chain to simply die a slow death, resulting in zero value of people's existing holdings. If for some reason after reading this you do not feel that this is the right direction for you, then you are of course more than welcome to put your faith in characters such as Skankhunter and Doctor and keep your current coins on the existing blockchain. Survival of the current blockchain is at the mercy of Skankhunter and The Doctor, who have been missing-in-action for a while and and clearly untrustworthy.
What do you do with the coins that are unclaimed after the swap-period has ended?Once the swap-period has ended, the remaining unclaimed coins of the total swap supply of 34,375,000 will be dedicated fully towards air-drops and the treasury fund. Of the unclaimed swap supply, 60% will be dedicated towards air drops and remaining 40% towards the treasury fund (to help with the operational and business development costs - as running a successful long-term digital currency, is an expensive enterprise).
How about the swap ratio? Are there official decisions about the swap ratio from Original Signatum to Signatum 2.0? Thank you, dev.