
Topic: [ANN] [SKC] Skeincoin | Skein-SHA2 - page 69. (Read 161603 times)

Activity: 840
Merit: 1000
November 15, 2013, 02:48:18 AM
CPU mining guide - Digital Ocean

1. Sign up for an account at Digital Ocean
   Consider using this referal code -
2. Create a droplet
   Enter host name
   A 512 MB/1 CPU droplet works fine
   Select a region
   Choose Ubuntu 13.04 x64 as your operating system
   Choose "Create Droplet"
3. Once completed you will receive your droplet IP and root password via e-mail
4. Use putty or similar ssh client to connect to the IP of your droplet
5. Login as root with password provided
6. Paste the following script in your ssh client

# Make swap space
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

# Install libraries
apt-get install build-essential curl git libboost-all-dev libdb++5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libssl-dev m4 -y

# Install GMP
cd ~/
rm -rf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.2
tar xjvf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2
cd gmp-5.1.2
./configure --enable-cxx
make install
rm -rf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.2
cd ~/

# Install Skeincoin
git clone
cd ~/skeincoin/src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=- DEBUGFLAGS="" CXXFLAGS=

sudo cp ./skeincoind /usr/local/bin/

mkdir ~/.skeincoin
echo "rpcusername=myskeincoinusername
rpcpassword=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c32)
genproclimit=-1" > ~/.skeincoin/skeincoin.conf

skeincoind --daemon


7. Monitor your daemon with:

skeincoind getinfo

8. Send your coins to another wallet with:

skeincoind sendtoaddress  

Thank you. Installed it yesterday, but didn't get any balance till now. Is that normal?
Don't know if he's mining or not.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
November 15, 2013, 12:18:55 AM
Thanks reorder! But I never used poclbm - what is "crycl.h"? I found no information where I can get it...

It is just a bunch of (pretty much obvious) macros I use between projects, not a part of original poclbm. Here it is:
#ifndef CRYCL_H
#define CRYCL_H

#define ROL(x, n)       rotate(x, (ulong) n)
#define ROR(x, n)       rotate(x, (ulong) 64-n)
#define ROL32(x, n)       rotate(x, (uint) n)
#define ROR32(x, n)       rotate(x, (uint) 32-n)
#define SWAP32(a)       (as_uint(as_uchar4(a).wzyx))
#define SWAP64(n)       (as_ulong(as_uchar8(n).s76543210))

#define SHL(x, n)   ((x) << n)
#define SHR(x, n)   ((x) >> n)

#define TOBE64(x) SWAP64(x)
#define TOLE64(x) (x)
#define TOBE32(x) SWAP32(x)
#define TOLE32(x) (x)
#define TOBE64V8(v) (ulong8)(SWAP64(v.s0), SWAP64(v.s1), SWAP64(v.s2), SWAP64(v.s3), SWAP64(v.s4), SWAP64(v.s5), SWAP64(v.s6), SWAP64(v.s7))
#define TOLE64V8(v) (v)
#define TOBE32V16(v) (uint16)(SWAP32(v.s0), SWAP32(v.s1), SWAP32(v.s2), SWAP32(v.s3), \
    SWAP32(v.s4), SWAP32(v.s5), SWAP32(v.s6), SWAP32(v.s7), \
    SWAP32(v.s8), SWAP32(v.s9), SWAP32(, SWAP32(, \
    SWAP32(, SWAP32(, SWAP32(, SWAP32(v.sf))
#define TOLE32V16(v) (v)
#define TOBE32V8(v) (uint8)(SWAP32(v.s0), SWAP32(v.s1), SWAP32(v.s2), SWAP32(v.s3), \
    SWAP32(v.s4), SWAP32(v.s5), SWAP32(v.s6), SWAP32(v.s7))
#define TOLE32V8(v) (v)


#define TOBE64(x) (x)
#define TOLE64(x) SWAP64(x)
#define TOBE32(x) (x)
#define TOLE32(x) SWAP32(x)
#define TOBE64V8(v) (v)
#define TOLE64V8(v) (ulong8)(SWAP64(v.s0), SWAP64(v.s1), SWAP64(v.s2), SWAP64(v.s3), SWAP64(v.s4), SWAP64(v.s5), SWAP64(v.s6), SWAP64(v.s7))
#define TOBE32V16(v) (v)
#define TOLE32V16(v) (uint16)(SWAP32(v.s0), SWAP32(v.s1), SWAP32(v.s2), SWAP32(v.s3), \
    SWAP32(v.s4), SWAP32(v.s5), SWAP32(v.s6), SWAP32(v.s7), \
    SWAP32(v.s8), SWAP32(v.s9), SWAP32(, SWAP32(, \
    SWAP32(, SWAP32(, SWAP32(, SWAP32(v.sf))
#define TOBE32V8(v) (v)
#define TOLE32V8(v) (uint8)(SWAP32(v.s0), SWAP32(v.s1), SWAP32(v.s2), SWAP32(v.s3), \
    SWAP32(v.s4), SWAP32(v.s5), SWAP32(v.s6), SWAP32(v.s7))

#define FROMLE64(x) TOLE64(x)
#define FROMBE64(x) TOBE64(x)
#define FROMLE32(x) TOLE32(x)
#define FROMBE32(x) TOBE32(x)
#define FROMBE64V8(x) TOBE64V8(x)
#define FROMLE64V8(x) TOLE64V8(x)
#define FROMBE32V8(x) TOBE32V8(x)
#define FROMLE32V8(x) TOLE32V8(x)
#define FROMBE32V16(x) TOBE32V16(x)
#define FROMLE32V16(x) TOLE32V16(x)

typedef ulong u64;
typedef uint u32;
typedef uchar u8;

__constant ulong16 zerol16 = (ulong16)(0UL);
__constant uint16 zeroi16 = (uint16)(0UL);


I would not share the modified poclbm itself being embarrassed with all the monkey patching and dirty code. Smiley You are better off plugging this into reaper or even cgminer anyway, just make sure to define GPU_AMD and ENDIAN_LITTLE on compilation.

You will also probably need this, this is how the midstate for kernel is computed:
int skeinhashmid
    unsigned char *out,
    const unsigned char *in

    Skein_512_Ctxt_t ctx;

    Skein_512_Init  (&ctx,8*64);
    Skein_512_Update(&ctx,in,(size_t) 80);
    memcpy(out, ctx.X, 64);

    return 0;
Activity: 1769
Merit: 1032
Value will be measured in sats
November 14, 2013, 10:18:18 PM
hero member
Activity: 809
Merit: 1008
November 14, 2013, 05:39:34 PM
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
November 14, 2013, 03:47:05 PM
Not to claim the bounty, but here goes my kernel. Poclbm API, hashes at ~140MHs @7870 @1150MHz. Probably best with modern SDK and GCN, being vectors and all. Feel free to use it whatever you like.
#include "crycl.h"

inline uint sha256_res(uint16 data)
    u32 temp1, W[62];
    vstore16(TOBE32V16(data), 0, W);

#define S0(x) (ROL32(x, 25) ^ ROL32(x, 14) ^  SHR(x, 3))
#define S1(x) (ROL32(x, 15) ^ ROL32(x, 13) ^  SHR(x, 10))

#define S2(x) (ROL32(x, 30) ^ ROL32(x, 19) ^ ROL32(x, 10))
#define S3(x) (ROL32(x, 26) ^ ROL32(x, 21) ^ ROL32(x, 7))

#define F0(y, x, z) bitselect(z, y, z ^ x)
#define F1(x, y, z) bitselect(z, y, x)

#define R(t)                                    \
(                                               \
    W[t] = S1(W[t -  2]) + W[t -  7] +          \
           S0(W[t - 15]) + W[t - 16]            \

#define RD(t)                                   \
(                                               \
    S1(W[t -  2]) + W[t -  7] +                 \
           S0(W[t - 15]) + W[t - 16]            \

#define P(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,x,K)                  \
{                                               \
    temp1 = h + S3(e) + F1(e,f,g) + K + x;      \
    d += temp1; h = temp1 + S2(a) + F0(a,b,c);  \
#define PS(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,S)                  \
{                                               \
    temp1 = h + S3(e) + F1(e,f,g) + S;      \
    d += temp1; h = temp1 + S2(a) + F0(a,b,c);              \

#define PSLAST(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,S)                  \
{                                               \
    d += h + S3(e) + F1(e,f,g) + S;              \

    uint8 state = (uint8)(0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A, 0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19);
    uint8 vars = state;

    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, W[ 0], 0x428A2F98 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, W[ 1], 0x71374491 );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, W[ 2], 0xB5C0FBCF );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, W[ 3], 0xE9B5DBA5 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, W[ 4], 0x3956C25B );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, W[ 5], 0x59F111F1 );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, W[ 6], 0x923F82A4 );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, W[ 7], 0xAB1C5ED5 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, W[ 8], 0xD807AA98 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, W[ 9], 0x12835B01 );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, W[10], 0x243185BE );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, W[11], 0x550C7DC3 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, W[12], 0x72BE5D74 );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, W[13], 0x80DEB1FE );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, W[14], 0x9BDC06A7 );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, W[15], 0xC19BF174 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(16), 0xE49B69C1 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(17), 0xEFBE4786 );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(18), 0x0FC19DC6 );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(19), 0x240CA1CC );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(20), 0x2DE92C6F );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(21), 0x4A7484AA );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, R(22), 0x5CB0A9DC );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, R(23), 0x76F988DA );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(24), 0x983E5152 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(25), 0xA831C66D );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(26), 0xB00327C8 );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(27), 0xBF597FC7 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(28), 0xC6E00BF3 );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(29), 0xD5A79147 );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, R(30), 0x06CA6351 );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, R(31), 0x14292967 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(32), 0x27B70A85 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(33), 0x2E1B2138 );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(34), 0x4D2C6DFC );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(35), 0x53380D13 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(36), 0x650A7354 );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(37), 0x766A0ABB );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, R(38), 0x81C2C92E );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, R(39), 0x92722C85 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(40), 0xA2BFE8A1 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(41), 0xA81A664B );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(42), 0xC24B8B70 );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(43), 0xC76C51A3 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(44), 0xD192E819 );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(45), 0xD6990624 );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, R(46), 0xF40E3585 );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, R(47), 0x106AA070 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(48), 0x19A4C116 );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(49), 0x1E376C08 );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(50), 0x2748774C );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(51), 0x34B0BCB5 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(52), 0x391C0CB3 );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(53), 0x4ED8AA4A );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, R(54), 0x5B9CCA4F );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, R(55), 0x682E6FF3 );
    P( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, R(56), 0x748F82EE );
    P( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, R(57), 0x78A5636F );
    P( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, R(58), 0x84C87814 );
    P( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, R(59), 0x8CC70208 );
    P( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, R(60), 0x90BEFFFA );
    P( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, R(61), 0xA4506CEB );
    P( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, RD(62), 0xBEF9A3F7 );
    P( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, RD(63), 0xC67178F2 );

    state += vars;
    vars = state;

    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x80000000 + 0x428A2F98 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0 + 0x71374491 );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0 + 0xB5C0FBCF );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0 + 0xE9B5DBA5 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0 + 0x3956C25B );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0 + 0x59F111F1 );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0 + 0x923F82A4 );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0 + 0xAB1C5ED5 );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0 + 0xD807AA98 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0 + 0x12835B01 );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0 + 0x243185BE );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0 + 0x550C7DC3 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0 + 0x72BE5D74 );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0 + 0x80DEB1FE );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0 + 0x9BDC06A7 );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 512 + 0xC19BF174 );

    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x80000000 + 0xE49B69C1 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0x01400000 + 0xEFBE4786 );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0x00205000 + 0x0FC19DC6 );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0x00005088 + 0x240CA1CC );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0x22000800 + 0x2DE92C6F );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0x22550014 + 0x4A7484AA );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0x05089742 + 0x5CB0A9DC );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0xa0000020 + 0x76F988DA );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x5a880000 + 0x983E5152 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0x005c9400 + 0xA831C66D );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0x0016d49d + 0xB00327C8 );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0xfa801f00 + 0xBF597FC7 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0xd33225d0 + 0xC6E00BF3 );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0x11675959 + 0xD5A79147 );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0xf6e6bfda + 0x06CA6351 );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0xb30c1549 + 0x14292967 );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x08b2b050 + 0x27B70A85 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0x9d7c4c27 + 0x2E1B2138 );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0x0ce2a393 + 0x4D2C6DFC );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0x88e6e1ea + 0x53380D13 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0xa52b4335 + 0x650A7354 );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0x67a16f49 + 0x766A0ABB );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0xd732016f + 0x81C2C92E );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0x4eeb2e91 + 0x92722C85 );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x5dbf55e5 + 0xA2BFE8A1 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0x8eee2335 + 0xA81A664B );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0xe2bc5ec2 + 0xC24B8B70 );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0xa83f4394 + 0xC76C51A3 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0x45ad78f7 + 0xD192E819 );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0x36f3d0cd + 0xD6990624 );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0xd99c05e8 + 0xF40E3585 );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0xb0511dc7 + 0x106AA070 );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x69bc7ac4 + 0x19A4C116 );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0xbd11375b + 0x1E376C08 );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0xe3ba71e5 + 0x2748774C );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0x3b209ff2 + 0x34B0BCB5 );
    PS( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0x18feee17 + 0x391C0CB3 );
    PS( vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, 0xe25ad9e7 + 0x4ED8AA4A );
    PS( vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, 0x13375046 + 0x5B9CCA4F );
    PS( vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, 0x0515089d + 0x682E6FF3 );
    PS( vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, 0x4f0d0f04 + 0x748F82EE );
    PS( vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, 0x2627484e + 0x78A5636F );
    PS( vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, vars.s5, 0x310128d2 + 0x84C87814 );
    PS( vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, vars.s4, 0xc668b434 + 0x8CC70208 );
    PSLAST( vars.s4, vars.s5, vars.s6, vars.s7, vars.s0, vars.s1, vars.s2, vars.s3, 0x420841cc + 0x90BEFFFA );

    return vars.s7 + state.s7;

#define rolhackl(n) \
inline ulong rol ## n  (ulong l) \
{ \
    uint2 t = rotate(as_uint2(l), (n)); \
    return as_ulong((uint2)(bitselect(t.s0, t.s1, (uint)(1 << (n)) - 1), bitselect(t.s0, t.s1, (uint)(~((1 << (n)) - 1))))); \


#define rolhackr(n) \
inline ulong rol ## n  (ulong l) \
{ \
    uint2 t = rotate(as_uint2(l), (n - 32)); \
    return as_ulong((uint2)(bitselect(t.s1, t.s0, (uint)(1 << (n - 32)) - 1), bitselect(t.s1, t.s0, (uint)(~((1 << (n - 32)) - 1))))); \


#define SKEIN_ROL_0_0(x) rol46(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_0_1(x) rol36(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_0_2(x) rol19(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_0_3(x) rol37(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_1_0(x) rol33(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_1_1(x) rol27(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_1_2(x) rol14(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_1_3(x) rol42(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_2_0(x) rol17(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_2_1(x) rol49(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_2_2(x) rol36(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_2_3(x) rol39(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_3_0(x) rol44(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_3_1(x) rol9(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_3_2(x) rol54(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_3_3(x) rol56(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_4_0(x) rol39(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_4_1(x) rol30(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_4_2(x) rol34(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_4_3(x) rol24(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_5_0(x) rol13(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_5_1(x) rol50(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_5_2(x) rol10(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_5_3(x) rol17(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_6_0(x) rol25(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_6_1(x) rol29(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_6_2(x) rol39(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_6_3(x) rol43(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_7_0(x) rol8(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_7_1(x) rol35(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_7_2(x) rol56(x)
#define SKEIN_ROL_7_3(x) rol22(x)

#define SKEIN_KS_PARITY         0x1BD11BDAA9FC1A22UL

#define SKEIN_R512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROTS)                      \
    X.s##p0 += X.s##p1; \
    X.s##p2 += X.s##p3; \
    X.s##p4 += X.s##p5; \
    X.s##p6 += X.s##p7; \
    X.s##p1 = SKEIN_ROL_ ## ROTS ## _0(X.s##p1) ^ X.s##p0; \
    X.s##p3 = SKEIN_ROL_ ## ROTS ## _1(X.s##p3) ^ X.s##p2; \
    X.s##p5 = SKEIN_ROL_ ## ROTS ## _2(X.s##p5) ^ X.s##p4; \
    X.s##p7 = SKEIN_ROL_ ## ROTS ## _3(X.s##p7) ^ X.s##p6;

#define SKEIN_I512(R)                                                     \
    X.s0   += ks[((R)+1) % 9];   /* inject the key schedule value */  \
    X.s1   += ks[((R)+2) % 9];                                        \
    X.s2   += ks[((R)+3) % 9];                                        \
    X.s3   += ks[((R)+4) % 9];                                        \
    X.s4   += ks[((R)+5) % 9];                                        \
    X.s5   += ks[((R)+6) % 9] + ts[((R)+1) % 3];                      \
    X.s6   += ks[((R)+7) % 9] + ts[((R)+2) % 3];                      \
    X.s7   += ks[((R)+8) % 9] +     (R)+1;                            \

#define SKEIN_R512_8_rounds(R) \
        SKEIN_R512(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 0);   \
        SKEIN_R512(2,1,4,7,6,5,0,3, 1);   \
        SKEIN_R512(4,1,6,3,0,5,2,7, 2);   \
        SKEIN_R512(6,1,0,7,2,5,4,3, 3);   \
        SKEIN_I512(2*(R));                              \
        SKEIN_R512(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 4);   \
        SKEIN_R512(2,1,4,7,6,5,0,3, 5);   \
        SKEIN_R512(4,1,6,3,0,5,2,7, 6);   \
        SKEIN_R512(6,1,0,7,2,5,4,3, 7);   \

inline ulong8 skein512_mid_impl(ulong8 X, ulong2 msg)
    u64 ts[3], ks[9];

    vstore8(X, 0, ks);
    X.s01 += msg;

    ks[8] = ks[0] ^ ks[1] ^ ks[2] ^ ks[3] ^
            ks[4] ^ ks[5] ^ ks[6] ^ ks[7] ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY;

    ts[0] = 80;
    ts[1] = 176UL << 56;
    ts[2] = 0xB000000000000050UL;

    X.s5 += 80;
    X.s6 += 176UL << 56;

    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 0);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 1);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 2);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 3);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 4);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 5);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 6);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 7);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 8);

    X.s01 ^= msg;
    vstore8(X, 0, ks);

    ks[8] = ks[0] ^ ks[1] ^ ks[2] ^ ks[3] ^
            ks[4] ^ ks[5] ^ ks[6] ^ ks[7] ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY;

    ts[0] = 8UL;
    ts[1] = 255UL << 56;
    ts[2] = 0xFF00000000000008UL;

    X.s5 += 8UL;
    X.s6 += 255UL << 56;

    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 0);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 1);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 2);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 3);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 4);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 5);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 6);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 7);
    SKEIN_R512_8_rounds( 8);

    return TOLE64V8(X);

__kernel void search(const u64 state0, const u64 state1, const u64 state2, const u64 state3,
                     const u64 state4, const u64 state5, const u64 state6, const u64 state7,
                     const u32 data16, const u32 data17, const u32 data18,
                     const u32 base,
                     __global u32* output)
    local u32 nonce;
    nonce = FROMLE32(base) + get_global_id(0);
    ulong8 state = (ulong8)(FROMLE64(state0), FROMLE64(state1), FROMLE64(state2), FROMLE64(state3),
                          FROMLE64(state4), FROMLE64(state5), FROMLE64(state6), FROMLE64(state7));

    ulong2 msg = as_ulong2((uint4)(data16, data17, data18, TOBE32(nonce)));

    if(sha256_res(as_uint16(skein512_mid_impl(state, msg)))/* & 0xc0ffffff*/)
    output[OUTPUT_SIZE] = output[nonce & OUTPUT_MASK] = nonce;

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
November 14, 2013, 02:05:25 PM
CPU mining guide - Digital Ocean

1. Sign up for an account at Digital Ocean
   Consider using this referal code -
2. Create a droplet
   Enter host name
   A 512 MB/1 CPU droplet works fine
   Select a region
   Choose Ubuntu 13.04 x64 as your operating system
   Choose "Create Droplet"
3. Once completed you will receive your droplet IP and root password via e-mail
4. Use putty or similar ssh client to connect to the IP of your droplet
5. Login as root with password provided
6. Paste the following script in your ssh client

# Make swap space
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

# Install libraries
apt-get install build-essential curl git libboost-all-dev libdb++5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libssl-dev m4 -y

# Install GMP
cd ~/
rm -rf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.2
tar xjvf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2
cd gmp-5.1.2
./configure --enable-cxx
make install
rm -rf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.2
cd ~/

# Install Skeincoin
git clone git://
cd ~/skeincoin/src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=- DEBUGFLAGS="" CXXFLAGS=

sudo cp ./skeincoind /usr/local/bin/

mkdir ~/.skeincoin
echo "rpcusername=myskeincoinusername
rpcpassword=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c32)
genproclimit=-1" > ~/.skeincoin/skeincoin.conf

skeincoind --daemon


7. Monitor your daemon with:

skeincoind getinfo

8. Send your coins to another wallet with:

skeincoind sendtoaddress  
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
November 14, 2013, 01:33:46 PM
I will offer a small reward of 2 LTC and 512 SKC for the first working, open-source GPU miner for Skeincoin.

Like asor mentioned, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement for someone with experience of GPU programming.

Others feel free to add to this bounty.
Activity: 840
Merit: 1000
November 14, 2013, 12:52:55 PM
It just irritates me a little bit that the developer doesn't give any feedback on our comments. What does he want with this coin?
The website of Skeincoin isn't updated since november.

Is it worth it to keep mining SKC, or not?

I think the coin is something different than other alt-coins, but without feedback it's just another coin, waiting to fade away.

And Asor: great work. Maybe the coin will finally get the attention it deserves! Mining goes very fast atm with 5 computers (CPU, dual/quadcore). Does it stay that way? Or will it be more difficult just like Litecoin?

It is November.

Got ya...

Activity: 1632
Merit: 1010
November 14, 2013, 12:46:12 PM
It just irritates me a little bit that the developer doesn't give any feedback on our comments. What does he want with this coin?
The website of Skeincoin isn't updated since november.

Is it worth it to keep mining SKC, or not?

I think the coin is something different than other alt-coins, but without feedback it's just another coin, waiting to fade away.

And Asor: great work. Maybe the coin will finally get the attention it deserves! Mining goes very fast atm with 5 computers (CPU, dual/quadcore). Does it stay that way? Or will it be more difficult just like Litecoin?

It is November.
Activity: 840
Merit: 1000
November 14, 2013, 12:42:07 PM
It just irritates me a little bit that the developer doesn't give any feedback on our comments. What does he want with this coin?
The website of Skeincoin isn't updated since november.

Is it worth it to keep mining SKC, or not?

I think the coin is something different than other alt-coins, but without feedback it's just another coin, waiting to fade away.

And Asor: great work. Maybe the coin will finally get the attention it deserves! Mining goes very fast atm with 5 computers (CPU, dual/quadcore). Does it stay that way? Or will it be more difficult just like Litecoin?

hero member
Activity: 809
Merit: 1008
November 14, 2013, 12:09:14 PM
were you around when orbitcoin happened? or where you there when gamecoin was dumped? or recently have you seen COL? if you still think like that, you are yet to understand the norms of cryptos.

I don't really need another rebuttal.  I was trying to inject some common sense, but ended up with your paranoid reply.

I understand greedy unskilled cocksuckers is the norm for coins.  As for the condescension, I don't need a lecture.  I've been around the block a few times.

What I was trying to push across is if someone had a GPU miner, and put in the effort into it, they would be more likely to release it, instead of killing a worthless coin and slipping into the darkness.  Hyping, then dumping X coin isn't quite the same.  Come to me with proof the coin dev has a gpu implementation.

 I am running two amd quad core phenom II, and a pentium p6000 in a laptop.  I would imagine i7's and i5's on their own would do better than my whole setup. I come in at ~7-8mhash. A little bit of MATH and REASON would show reorder has an office full of machines at his disposal, and not tuning a gpu miner. When gpu miners hit, you will know it.  You will pray for a diff of 11 again.

I've a half-way working GPU (OpenCL) implementation for SKC but it's currently for testing purposes only (no fully working miner). It's been the first time I wrote code for GPU's, hence the code is poorly written with some register spillings (doesn't take any effect to the result, but lowers the performance) and some other issues. So I think other developers can create much better code. I can't say anything regarding hashing speed or similar... but for OpenCL developers it should be pretty simple to implement the given algorithm...
Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
November 14, 2013, 09:44:48 AM
Just noticed on
Pool is closed. If you want to withdraw your coins please send an email to [email protected] with account details and coin balance.

My mistake - not this pool Wink
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
November 14, 2013, 09:25:33 AM
Just noticed on
Pool is closed. If you want to withdraw your coins please send an email to [email protected] with account details and coin balance.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
November 14, 2013, 01:49:17 AM
i'll buy @ 1.2 LTC per 10k

want a total of 100k
Activity: 104
Merit: 10
November 13, 2013, 04:19:35 PM
were you around when orbitcoin happened? or where you there when gamecoin was dumped? or recently have you seen COL? if you still think like that, you are yet to understand the norms of cryptos.

I don't really need another rebuttal.  I was trying to inject some common sense, but ended up with your paranoid reply.

I understand greedy unskilled cocksuckers is the norm for coins.  As for the condescension, I don't need a lecture.  I've been around the block a few times.

What I was trying to push across is if someone had a GPU miner, and put in the effort into it, they would be more likely to release it, instead of killing a worthless coin and slipping into the darkness.  Hyping, then dumping X coin isn't quite the same.  Come to me with proof the coin dev has a gpu implementation.

 I am running two amd quad core phenom II, and a pentium p6000 in a laptop.  I would imagine i7's and i5's on their own would do better than my whole setup. I come in at ~7-8mhash. A little bit of MATH and REASON would show reorder has an office full of machines at his disposal, and not tuning a gpu miner. When gpu miners hit, you will know it.  You will pray for a diff of 11 again.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
November 13, 2013, 02:43:49 PM
some individuals made a gpu implementation and use it amongst themselves, once people realised it, they moved elsewhere.

Nothing is stopping you from patching cgminer. I have a family, a fractured work environment, and am perfectly happy mining with cpu right now.  If someone else has a gpu miner, would it benefit them to keep it to themselves, or to release it to garner recognition and donations?

 If you go look at the pool, what you see is what you get. It is pretty much the whole network. There is one cat that has over 100 mhash, about 12 hours out of the day. That right there tells me he is a sysadmin, and he is using his fringe benefits for mining. 

were you around when orbitcoin happened? or where you there when gamecoin was dumped? or recently have you seen COL? if you still think like that, you are yet to understand the norms of cryptos.
Activity: 104
Merit: 10
November 13, 2013, 02:10:15 PM
some individuals made a gpu implementation and use it amongst themselves, once people realised it, they moved elsewhere.

Nothing is stopping you from patching cgminer. I have a family, a fractured work environment, and am perfectly happy mining with cpu right now.  If someone else has a gpu miner, would it benefit them to keep it to themselves, or to release it to garner recognition and donations?

 If you go look at the pool, what you see is what you get. It is pretty much the whole network. There is one cat that has over 100 mhash, about 12 hours out of the day. That right there tells me he is a sysadmin, and he is using his fringe benefits for mining. 
hero member
Activity: 809
Merit: 1008
November 13, 2013, 01:31:16 PM
does anyone think that this coin has a future ?
I almost see no activity within the community, and the difficulty is so low.
will it ever be on cryptsy ?

I think so - other coins are having less support than SKC and they are on Cryptsy. It usually takes some weeks until Cryptsy adds new coins.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
November 13, 2013, 01:29:17 PM
some individuals made a gpu implementation and use it amongst themselves, once people realised it, they moved elsewhere.
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
November 13, 2013, 01:09:03 PM
does anyone think that this coin has a future ?
I almost see no activity within the community, and the difficulty is so low.
will it ever be on cryptsy ?
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