Hello all, how's it going? Got a question for anyone that may have multiple daemons running on the same VPS. I've been trying to get this right forever and burned a lot of $$ on VPSes
On the latest VPS, I have 2 instances running, different copies of slingd (slingd001, slingd002) and different datadirs (,SLING001, .SLING002)
On the first instance with port set to 30137, I currently have 28 connections
On the second instance with port set to 30136, 30137, and a bunch of others, I never get over 6 to 7 connections.
I've also tried the same on another VPS with 5 public IPs with the same result, using the different IPs and 30137 but different IPs, and different rpcport
On this last one, I haven't moved the 7331 sling over to start the masternode, I wanted to get the connections up first.
I've also remmed all addnode from the sling.config and deleted the peers.dat, with the same result, 6 - 7 connections
This is what I'm seeing in the debug.log for this particular 2nd node instance.
connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused
SetBestChain: new best= ....
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() == 3 | 3
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
Successfully synced, asking for Masternode list and payment list
SetBestChain: new best=.....
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
keypool reserve 1
keypool return 1
SetBestChain: new best=....
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
connect() to failed after select(): No route to host
CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() == 3 | 3
connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused
connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused
SetBestChain: new best=....
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Checking inbound connection to ....
CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: Wallet is locked.
connected to self at ....., disconnecting
SetBestChain: new best=.....
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
SetBestChain: new best=......
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() == 3 | 3
SetBestChain: new best=......
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
Thanks for any help
I want to consolidate my masternodes as well.
By default, Sling is set to 8 maximum connections in net.cpp:
static const int MAX_OUTBOUND_CONNECTIONS = 8;
Did you increase maxconnections?