SOIL will focus the delivery of smart contracts to a specific sector of industry, thus building a trusted brand. SOIL will approach the ecological and
agricultural stratum of the commercial world, bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and real-world applications of a progressively automated business sector.
Hi all. Has there been any movement with regard to this?
And is it possible you might broaden your horizon even if you stay "ecological"?
to quote a really good post at, "Ethereum is not even "Alpha" release code, it's huge, and it is experimental." We are, presently, what, seven months since Ethereum went public? We're four months live with SOIL and going through our growing pains as well. I think thats to be expected with new technology like this. This isnt just an altcoin. The Ethereum Protocol we operate with, the "SOIL Virtual Machine" is something that can be built on in amazing ways.
I think the whole realization of this is JUST starting to hit the consciousness of the planet, but the Eth based platform is still very peripheral. Aside from a lot of really cool projects going on, its barely scratched the surface yet. And its watching whats being built on Ethereum, we can start to build the basic assembly of a system that will provide services to the industries that we've targeted.
A lot can be done with the Python implementations of things, not just with the native Serpent language, but with other bindings towads Py as well. a great deal of the sorts of frameworks that will provide the information further down the blockchain that the end-users will need to access, as transactions and calls to contracts become easier to access.
There are important projects that need to be built, to improve the scalability of the SOILcoin blockchain. Projects like Swarm are good to watch, as are other decentralizations of ipfs become available as retrievable data STORAGE along the blockchain become neceessary for GIS mapping for agricultural automation become closer to reality.
The social networking side of things, decentralizing twitter, or modules that act as decentralized on-chain email, forums, and understandable multi-use DAO contracts can be deployed. Ive spoken with people from the David Suzuki foundation here in Canada, regarding the project, but its still very esoteric to a lot of the outside world. Setting up charitable wallets for these foundations is a start, as any exposure towards the enviromental protection concerns would bring about further implementations onto SOIL.
Right now SOIL is a very organic thing. Theres a thousand little things that can built on it, and working with smart contracts is getting easier with a lot of tools like truffle, pudding, cosmo, etc. But its still the wild west in smart contract development. People are JUST starting to wake up to the ideas and potentials.
Ive written several universities, particularily those who have been working on renewable energy applications in python. The ability for the analytic computational power behind the blockchain will prove valuable once these sorts of applications can be set onto the blockchain. Other backbone Python-based systems would be ideal.
As an example of how the architecture needs to be built, use solpy as an example.
its a useful tool, built to model solar system power performance, analysis and design. as micro-grids continue to proliferate in urban centers, their interconnectivity, perhaps in the form of "green credits", can reference something springing from solpy on SOIL to monitor performance, efficiency analysis, etc. to build the backbone of solpy, we need to implement something like swarm to store the raw data from computations and find a safe decntralized access to the outside world for incoming data.
callable smart contract functions from Pyephem, the ephemeris, can be used for tide calculations and data modelling for aquaculture and commercial fisheries. a lot of data CAN be crunched by the virtual machine, and its in the early days as people are discovering how to access it, how to use it in a larger sense. every smart contract that can be built onto the SOILcoin blockchain, that becomes a function callable by another contract down the road, is like a pebble thrown in the pond, the ripples reaching outwards to other contracts.
the horizon is much more broad right now than we are capable of reaching to. ecological or otherwise, the potential of the SOILnet is unlimited, by design alone. when we're simply the future trying to catch up with itself, its a matter of building it one brick at a time. and thats probably what we need here, is an easier way of building the dApps and contracts, of interacting with them. the different ways to communicate with the blockchain, thru JSON RPC and web3 calls, is a minefield and not simple documented.
tools like the cosmo app peter released are huge developments for SOIL, opening up solidity based contracts in a more user friendly and automatic way. there are tons of examples of great and simple solidity contracts out there. BUILD! DEPLOY!