Transaction on require 250 confirmations. Already passed 24 hours and is confirmed 105/250. say block time was almost 9 hours.
the difficulty was raised very quickly, thanks to what was likely a mega farm that worked on the system a few days ago. i noted on the SOIL network intelligence page that our global network hashrate SOARED from several hundred Mh/s to close to 15 Gh/s for the better part of the day. this resulted in nearly impossible difficulty once the mega farmer logged off the system. the kimoto gravity well is doing its job and the difficulty is reducing every block, the graph for that looks like a nice steep ski-hill right now as the system rights itself. no system is perfect, and these sorts of "attacks" happen, but how the algorithms work protects us in the long run. that super long block (31,859 seconds) sticks out like a sore thumb in the last block times graph. our average block-time is now at 4 minutes, and these will drop back down gradually to the appropriate level as smoothly and non-disruptively as the system is designed to do.
are these sorts of "attacks" deliberate? id hate to think so, but one never knows. the crypto-communtiy is an odd place sometimes, and someone of malicious intent can become that way for any reason... id prefer to hope in the general altruism we all try to express as a community, but thats a fragile thing when you watch how many users feel "contributing" to a community is by spreading as much FUD as they can. it is what it is, and simply a part of doing business....
is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from similar in the future? again, theres no easy answer. hopefully with near future developments we might see appropriate upward trends in valuation which makes mining more profitable again to potential miners and the system corrects itself faster. ill write ritchie at bittrex and ask him to slash that confirmation time down while we are experiencing this "block time kerfuffle" to help alleviate deposit and withdrawl times on the system.