Ahummmm is this bad news ??
Uptime:2366 | FPGA ver:13
PSU-TOP[NONE]: 0->0w[0 0 0] (lim=1360) 0c cooling:0/0x27000000
LOOP[0] OFF (no PSU)
0: disabled (i2c BAD, btw!)
1: disabled (i2c BAD, btw!)...
A breaker might have tripped. It's also possible that one of your PSUs overheated and got stuck in the overheated state -- that happens on occasion too.
If the PSU has a flashing orange LED going, then a full power cycle (unplug both PSUs, wait 30 seconds (this actually matters! Don't wait only 10 seconds, as that isn't enough), plug them back in) should fix it. If the LED is dark, then your PSU isn't getting powered, and you should check the cables and the circuit breakers.
Please everybody read the red part - important!
I will change the configuration that we ship the miners to be 1300W by default.
This way the clients will get the units running at safe rate, without failures, but it will take about 1%-2% of their maximum hash rate. After the client made sure the miner is working, and he has access to the miner for a few hours, he can increase it up to 1350W in settings page and let the system learn.